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Release Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 1
Cheers. This ATV is actually a fine emulation console, since everything is already set up and it supports the Xbox wireless dongle.  Glad you liked it.
Today is GENOCIDE 2 PC GAME with DOSBOX pure v0.13 


Notes: BINCUE IMAGEs with CD AUDIO TRACKS are supported with DOSBOX pure v0.13.

for DOSBOX-SVN and DOSBOX you can apply the following tips:


mount d "/home/kodi/Roms/CDROM DIRECTORY NAME" -t cdrom


mount d "/run/media1/CDROM VOLUME NAME" -t cdrom -usecd 0

Sorry for the POOR FRAME RATE, but something happened with the ELGATO SOFTWARE on my PC and it got corrupted. I have it fixed now, so here is a new link to a YouTube video for GENOCIDE 2 via DOSBOX pure v0.13:

Today's video is MORTAL KOMBAT 2 for 3DO :


Thanks to 3DO HD for such a great conversion.

Kinos2 V1.4
Fixed a few bugs.
Added component 480i and 576i support
Updated Retroarch and assets to V1.20
Updated ALL libretro cores and added a few more. Openlara, Super Mario War (lol what a game), Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup to name some. Most of the cores have seen few changes even though it's been almost 4 years, except for a few. (Like vitaquake2 which now plays almost perfect from start to finish). Retroarch and cores are up to date to about end of January 2025.
Updated Syncthing
Updated Spotify Connect
Included xow driver out of the box so it now supports xbox wireless dongle for xbox joypad.
Included Roonbridge
Made the System share more logically arranged
Added an "extras" installer to the installer, so you can make an usb stick with roms and other stuff, and they will be installed too. That means if you have a 1TB usb stick, then yes, you can install almost 1TB of additonal files/roms/whatever in one go. I will update the first post accordingly and  explain how to do this. 
Fixed a bug in the installer. (Some people were previously unsuccessful at installing Kinos when using certain hard/ssd drives, that should be fixed)
Kodi itself is untouched, but might perform even snappier due to some kernel changes. (Though that might be placebo, some files that I know always stutter a or a couple of seconds at the start, now have minimal stuttering).

Also, don't expect any more updates. This is it as far as I'm concerned.
(2024-06-25, 08:57)cut_and_dried Wrote: Sorry to post more questions but I've been having trouble trying to install Kinos2 on another 1st Gen Apple TV I got.
The main problem is that the installation stops with the message that says No boot/recovery files found. It went through my internal drive by first partitioning it, then formatting the Recovery partition, making the swap partition, formatting the Kinos partition, and mounting all the partitions, basically how a typical install of Kinos2 should work.
When it came to mounting the partitions, it threw an Error (sdb2) with sda1 & sda3 being fine along with sdb1.

Here's some notes on my procedures:
- I wrote the Kinos2 image to my 4GB USB Drive via USB image writer on Linux. I don't think either the program or USB device are at fault because I was able to install the OS on a bigger mSATA SSD that had no data in it.
- The mSATA SSD I tried to install it on still gets detected on my Linux PC so I don't think its defective, especially as it used to have OSMC on it.
- Going back to the USB device containing the installer, when the process halts due to a failure, it looks different when I plug it in the Linux PC. By that, I mean it no longer has only one partition with the tar file inside it but Kinos & Recovery.

Should I try to clone a HDD/mSATA that has Kinos2 working successfully to the target hard drive that couldn't get the OS to work? Would it be OK if that HDD/mSATA being cloned is smaller than the target device? For instance, Apple's 40GB IDE HDD being cloned to a 128GB mSATA SSD.
Can't seem to figure out what the problem(s) are that are preventing me from installations.

Just a quick comment on this since I was reading the thread. Half a year later but yeah.. 
Apple TV "always" initialize the internal drive before usb, so even though you boot from a usb, the internal drive will become /dev/sda and the usb /dev/sdb.
It seems for some reason it has been switched around in your case. Maybe because of the msata adapter or some weird hardware combination. It seems the partitions that are meant for the internal drive are instead created on the usb stick, and it's looking at for the boot/recovery files at the wrong place. (which have probably been erased at this point anyways). I can't say for sure why this is. I didn't include any logic to double check for this (it will halt if a second drive isn't detected, but it doesn't check it they're switched around), as I've never come across this before. 
Error on (sdb2) was never an error, and I removed that on v1.4. 

Btw nothing will help with preformatting the drive. Partition tables get destroyed and partitions recreated anyways. 
But yeah, you can always clone it and if the target is bigger, you can always resize the partition later.

my STORAGE mvt42p1q msata 1GB

my sata adapter at https://www.aliexpress.us/item/325680497...pt=glo2usa

my IDE44 to SATA ADAPTER Preferred at http://www.ableconn.com/products_2.php?gid=67

some pictures of my setup via google drive: 

Today's Video is GG ALESTE 3 CONVERSION for Sega Master System Ver1 by BCNABEL76 and REVO.


Kudos to this great team.
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Kinos2 - Kodi 16.1 & Retroarch for Apple TV 10
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