Solved Some ISO files are not added to library
I'm using TMM to scrape and rename my files since many years without any issue in Kodi, but with Matrix (latest, clean install) some (few) of my *.iso files (all ripped by myself) are not added to the library (same issue on W10 Pro and W7 Ultimate, I'm going to test on Android...).
These files are well scraped, named and organized (each in a folder, as all the others recognized isos) and they are not corrupted, so I've searched deeply in the manual and I don't find any answer to this specific issue.
I don't understand why these ones and not all the others (hundreds)...
The naming scheme is the same for all the files and folders in library and the NFOs are correctly written, creepy isn't it !
So here I am...
Thank you.
EDIT=As there are 2 isos of music CDs (among few others hybrid SACD ripped to iso via a PS3) which are not added too, that's why I posted here and not in ''Video'' only section, but it should be clever to move this thread to that ''video'' section, sorry moderators...
(2021-07-03, 20:06)gorekhaa Wrote: sorry moderators...

Nope, moderators have fancy tools for moving forum threads and posts around, as you can see.

(2021-07-03, 18:48)gorekhaa Wrote: The naming scheme is the same for all the files and folders in library and the NFOs are correctly written, creepy isn't it !

Perhaps you can start with providing a debug log (wiki) so we can see some internal stuff going in.
Ok, thank you for this quick reply...
Here is the debug log uoploaded via the addon.
After enabling debug and restarting I did a simple library update (which fortunately for us only contains few entries...) then I tried right-clic on the specific folder (where the "problematical" files are) in order to "scan it to the library" (maybe the words are different because my GUI is in french...) but I did not scan "for new content", anyway in both cases it asks for a film name and nothing happens.
I didn't read that log already but I will do that right now.
Thanx again.
Ok, I checked twice the NFOs but I 've rescraped only one file ("Acid House" iso) with TMM before doing the debug and it appears as I expected "due to change" and the log says "no info found" which is wrong because the NFO is correct and should have been watched by the "local informations only" scraper...
I did that in order to reduce the amount of data because if we find why for that one it will be the same howto for the others I guess.
'Hope that helps !

Kodi cannot find your nfo file. Can you provide the following...

1. Screenshot of the Acid House DVD [1998] (Paul McGuigan) [tt0122515] (576p) [Musique] folder so we can see everything in that folder
2. Post the contents of your nfo file to Kodi Paste Site and provide the link
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Ok, here is the NFO
Image the screenshot of the folder
The name of the folder changed because I rescraped and renamed it (with some changes as [Comédie] instead of [Musique]) right now in order to be sure that the external scraper is not the cause of this issue...

Thanks. So it looks like you are adding these titles to the movie library. The nfo file looks ok, so does your folder, but....

I note that you are using the short file naming method. Read section 2 here and ensure you have satisfied those requirements...

Same for artwork in section 3 here...
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External scraper is ok, NFO seems identical to a good one which is the one of a well added iso (same ripping method)...
Well, I must say that only locally scraped "music videos" seem affected by this issue, even if I name my nfo as <VideoFileName>.nfo.
It may be because that setting "Movies are in separate folders" doesn't exists in the Set Content Screen?
So, more infos, it seems to happen only with *.iso files of "music video" scraped locally, with "film" isos locally scraped it's ok, even with short named artworks and nfo...
(2021-07-03, 23:05)gorekhaa Wrote: It may be because that setting "Movies are in separate folders" doesn't exists in the Set Content Screen?
Wait. Are you trying to scrape these into the Movie library or the Music Video library?
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After a long renaming and scraping again (music video), same issue.
I'm gonna locally scrape that entire folder with "film" scarper instead of the "music video" one in order to close that door...
(2021-07-03, 23:24)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-07-03, 23:05)gorekhaa Wrote: It may be because that setting "Movies are in separate folders" doesn't exists in the Set Content Screen?
Wait. Are you trying to scrape these into the Movie library or the Music Video library?

Sorry about the crossposting.
Scraping into Music Video...

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