Solved Some ISO files are not added to library
I catch your point, but I'm reading and I don't get why it works with music videos dvd folders but not with isos?
(2021-07-03, 23:26)gorekhaa Wrote: Scraping into Music Video...
Ok, but you are using movie nfo files which is what made me initially believe you were adding these to your movie library.

Your nfo files are using <movie></movie>

But you need to use <musicvideo></musicvideo>

Change those tags and try again and provide the Debug Log if that still does not work.
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See this screenshot of a well added music video dvd folder structure with short names: Image
I understand, but this external scraper (Tiny Media Manager) doesn't have a "music video" capability so I used to scrape music videos as normal movies and with previous Kodi versions it worked well when adding those nfos to music videos library...

EDIT= here is the nfo of the well added music video dvd folder shown above.
I must repeat that it only happens with *.iso files not with music video dvd folders scraped with TMM as normal movies, without regarding those <musicvideo></musicvideo> tags...
Anyway I did what you asked me and same issue with <musicvideo></musicvideo> in nfo, there is the debug log...

EDIT= I did a library update first, then on the folder "scan to library" and "search for new content".

EDIT²= the new "movie.nfo" HERE
Now that I know you are using Music Video Library, I need to update my advice.

movie.nfo does not work in the Music Video Library. You need to use the long format

Name your nfo file the same as the music video file.

In your second image that you say works correctly, that is expected because you are using DVD/Bluray folders, so they always use movie.nfo
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I just did that right now with <movietitle>.nfo and also try with "musicvideo.nfo" (as an idea...) same issue Sad
I'm gonna remove that folder from library, clean the db, then rescrape it locally as music video with that modified nfo and with long name...
'be back with the log.
Ok, the file finally appears in the music video library, issue seems to be solved BUT in the libary settings the "acid house" folder still appears with the folder's name instead of the movie name and the icon is still a folder instead of a little square...
I did a new adding with local scrape for music video and I did a "add to library" then a "scan for new content before going to the music video library via the GUI, HERE is the log.
I don't care about what appears under library settings if my file is correctly shown via the GUI, so this issue is SOLVED for me, even if there are few errors !
But I don't know if it's the tag change in nfo or if it's the long renaming or the both changes.
Thank you so much, I wil tell you how it happens with all the other isos, but surely I will reconfigure TMM for renaming all files and add nfos with long names first then I will manually change the tags for the twenty other isos (it's not that much).
Thanx again Karellen for your kind help, I'll be back.
This is a long shot but try Settings/Media/Videos/Use Video Tags = Unchecked.
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(2021-07-04, 00:52)gorekhaa Wrote: Ok, the file finally appears in the music video library, issue seems to be solved
Great. Have a quick look at the image here... This is how the music video library files are set up in their own folder.

I can't really picture the other issues with folder icons, maybe you could post a screenshot.

Looking at your log, line 1123 the nfo file is found correctly, and identified as a "full NFO file" which is what we want
Line 1125 the scanner is "adding new item" which means it was successfully scanned into the library.
Line 1126 an online lookup of artwork is being performed. Do you still have your artwork named with short names or are they as shown in the image in the link above.

All the other warnings below that are unscraped items. I guess you are still fixing those with correct naming.
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So, the last message...
Finally it ended up successfully without touching the tags in the nfos, that is so cool !!!
Only renaming all the nfos with long names is needed, I only reconfigure TMM in order to have both nfos ("movie.nfo" + <movietitle>.nfo) in each folder and basta!!!
The folders in library settings still appear with their folder name instead of their movie name, and there is still that "folder" icon instead of the usual "little square" one, but who cares?
Thank you once more Karellen !
Could you please explain what you did?

I have Nvidia player, Kodi v20...

In the past (years ago) I did have all the blu-rays and DVD added to may Music Video chapter.

While using Kodi again after years, I cannot see my music video folder with all kinds of .mkv's but also blu rays, DVD's etc. There is only one blu ray registered and this is "Michael Jackson - This is it". The .nfo is not like the folder name etc... somehow it is able to scan, the others not...

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