2021-07-13, 11:15
Below you'll find an up-to-date list of all changes made to the skinning engine since the release of Kodi Matrix.
new window
changed controls
Estuary example here.
new features
removed boolean
new boolean
new infolabels
new path
changed infolabels
new dialog
new controls
new builtin
New game dialogs
Please keep this thread clean. It should be an easy overview for skinners who are updating their skin for Kodi.
For discussions / feature requests / bug reports, please find (or create) the appropriate thread in the skin development forum.
- Improvements to screen calibration window (details)
new window
- favouritesbrowser (details)
changed controls
- mover and resize (details)
to your controls.Estuary example here.
new features
removed boolean
- Player.DisplayAfterSeek (details)
new boolean
new infolabels
- ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodePercent) (details)
- VideoPlayer.Art(type) (details)
- Addon.SettingStr, Addon.SettingBool and Addon.SettingInt (details)
- Integer.ValueOf (details)
- Listitem.HdrType and VideoPlayer.HdrType (details)
- Skin.Numeric(setting) (details)
new path
- addons://default_binary_addons_source/ (details)
changed infolabels
- Integer.* (details)
- bordertexture (details)
- ListItem.DateAdded (details)
- Player.Editlist was introduced to remove old Player.Cutlist (details)
- Added Player.Cuts (details)
- Added Player.Process(videoscantype) (details)
- Added Player.HasSceneMarkers infobool and Player.SceneMarkers infolabel (details)
- add button id="310" (details)
new dialog
- DialogColorPicker.xml (details)
new controls
new builtin
- Skin.SetColor() (details)
- infoupdate attribute for itemlayout / focusedlayout (details)
- Allow skinners to define custom dialogs with modal type modality (details)
New game dialogs
- xbmc.gui bump to 5.16.0 (details)
Please keep this thread clean. It should be an easy overview for skinners who are updating their skin for Kodi.
For discussions / feature requests / bug reports, please find (or create) the appropriate thread in the skin development forum.