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v19 Cosmic
(2022-08-02, 22:13)bizz Wrote:
(2022-07-07, 21:07)kim1406 Wrote: Hi
How can I get the movie/tv show cast information working on Cosmic? When click on actor's picture, it will say "No result found".

have the same issue. I suspect it's TMDBhelper issue but found no solution so far...
I know about this issue. It's happen when content is not fully loaded and you try to search cast. Please try wait a bit until everything will be loaded and try again.
I did not work on a fix yet :/
Why don't you keep the green color of the previous Cosmic version?
(2022-08-12, 03:51)chitridang Wrote: @"heppenowski" 
Why don't you keep the green color of the previous Cosmic version?
You can customize it. I got bored of the green and decided to change it to something more common. I like this combination of gradient.

Small note. I have to stop development of new Cosmic for a while. I have something else to work on. Maybe I will back to it soon.
On the heppen's repository there will be still old version, without Prime layout. If you want to test new layout and some new features, check out my github and install it from zip. However the job is not done yet and there may be a lot of bugs, but have fun Big Grin
In the "Wide list" view, which lines I have to modify in the xml file to customize the poster image size and the thumbnail image size? Huh
Hey just curious how to get episode art to appear like in zephyr 2 I cannot get it working for the life of me ! TIA
(2022-08-12, 11:59)heppenowski Wrote: Small note. I have to stop development of new Cosmic for a while. I have something else to work on. Maybe I will back to it soon.
On the heppen's repository there will be still old version, without Prime layout. If you want to test new layout and some new features, check out my github and install it from zip. However the job is not done yet and there may be a lot of bugs, but have fun Big Grin

@"heppenowski" Just wanted to let you know that I found Cosmic other day and its really cool! I grabbed the GitHub version as well and I love the new Prime layout! I also too a look at Blue Twilight, and its also very promising. I cannot wait to see them when they are done!
not sure what happened but I can't select "Customize search lists" on any of my builds anymore
Does Submenu work with Horizontal layout? i cant seem to toggle it?
Hey friends, is there any way to have this skin pull up an openinfo or diamondinfo screen as s default action for clicking on an item?
Hello Heppen,
I seen cosmic and the images you have of the setup looks amazing literally what I've wanted for so long. When I set cosmic as the skin mine looks totally different to yours a d it's the correct download, I just don't know how to set it up to look exactly like yours. Your setup video is unavailable. I'd appreciate it so much if you could help me on this.
Thank you 🙏
Absolutely beautiful!
Is the skin in active development again? I just saw some new commits. I really hope it is because I love it. A small update of the first post would be nice. Wink
I modified the skin for personal use, if someone wants to try it or continue modifying it, here is the link, also the repository to install tmdb helper

Skin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Atu-6U...p=drivesdk

Repository tmdb helper: https://github.com/jurialmunkey/reposito...ey-2.2.zip

Imagen Skin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13xIDOsK...p=drivesdk

(2022-12-11, 20:04)lanzorg Wrote: Is the skin in active development again? I just saw some new commits. I really hope it is because I love it. A small update of the first post would be nice. Wink
I would not say "active" but u can expect some commits from time to time Smile
Does it work with Nexus? Kodi v20 is rc1 now. a
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