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v19 Cosmic
(2022-07-27, 10:59)sunlollyking Wrote: @"heppenowski" cool i'm not sure if you saw the video i posted but i think i found a bug with one of the previous versions, just wanted to get it on your radar and to see whether it even is a bug?

Hey, thanks for the video!
The only things which come to my mind right now is that, you have some widgets between which are empty and it's causing the issues.
However, I need more info, would be nice if you could check latest version from github and see if it will help.
No problems so I'm running 1.0.65 and there's definitely no gaps in my widgets
Have you updated "light skin"? Huh
I've uploaded my settings here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fsn0p7E...sp=sharing

But yep, latest version, no gaps in widgets. It's odd. @"heppenowski" 

I guess as surrounding info i'm running a Nexus build and the widgets are pulling through local media for the most part.
(2022-07-28, 11:17)chitridang Wrote: @"heppenowski" 
Have you updated "light skin"? Huh
Yeah, I'm working hard to make it usable.
(2022-07-28, 13:21)sunlollyking Wrote: I've uploaded my settings here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fsn0p7E...sp=sharing

But yep, latest version, no gaps in widgets. It's odd. @"heppenowski" 

I guess as surrounding info i'm running a Nexus build and the widgets are pulling through local media for the most part.
Oh I had some issue with Nexus and Cosmic skin but had not enough time to investigate it. I will look into it in next days, when I have time Smile
i get an invalid structure error when trying to download from zip using https://zips.ovh/heppen
Yes, it seems the zip uploaded 2 days ago is corrupt.
Hopefully it will be addressed soon.
Just gave this skin a go today and i really like it.
One thing im wondering about is the trailer functionallity (where it can auto-play a trailer etc.) there is an option for manually starting trailer, is there a specific key for this?
I dont want every title to auto play a trailer, but at the same time i would love to be able to push a button and have it playing in the same space it does when auto-playing.

Oh, and another thing i might have missed, or it might be missing. When pausing using space, it only shows "paused". Is there any way to get movie info or episode info coming up automatically when pausing?
I know that i can press "I" for info or pause by double clicking "Enter", just wondering if there is an option to enable info when pausing with "Space"
(2022-07-28, 23:14)scrong Wrote: i get an invalid structure error when trying to download from zip using https://zips.ovh/heppen
It should be fixed, sorry guys. Something was messed while uploading probably :/
Firstly I am thoroughly enjoying test driving your Cosmic skin. Like Blue Twilight, I love the direction the skin is taking and how lightweight it "feels".

I do have a feature request and it has to do with preview/background trailers. Not sure it's possible to implement. While I do enjoy little trailer previews playing in the background window area, I do not enjoy reaching for the volume all the time because of them playing at full Kodi volume, plus they are all inconsistent volumes anyway. No standard loudness level. So... I wonder if there is a way to implement an option in the skin setting area to select if background trailers play at, let's say, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% volume?

Thank you in advance.
(2022-07-29, 06:07)WarSpaz Wrote: Just gave this skin a go today and i really like it.
One thing im wondering about is the trailer functionallity (where it can auto-play a trailer etc.) there is an option for manually starting trailer, is there a specific key for this?
I dont want every title to auto play a trailer, but at the same time i would love to be able to push a button and have it playing in the same space it does when auto-playing.
It should be started by pressing "OK" or Return on your remote/keyboard. However I'm not sure how it is working nowadays, since Cosmic (from Github) is under heavy development, so most things may not working correctly now Tongue
Quote:Oh, and another thing i might have missed, or it might be missing. When pausing using space, it only shows "paused". Is there any way to get movie info or episode info coming up automatically when pausing?
I know that i can press "I" for info or pause by double clicking "Enter", just wondering if there is an option to enable info when pausing with "Space"
I will see. OSD and seekbar is mostly done (music osd not) so I'm not sure if I want to work on it more. There is still many spots to fix and many places to redesign Smile
(2022-07-29, 17:41)TheFather999 Wrote: @"heppenowski"
Firstly I am thoroughly enjoying test driving your Cosmic skin. Like Blue Twilight, I love the direction the skin is taking and how lightweight it "feels".

I do have a feature request and it has to do with preview/background trailers. Not sure it's possible to implement. While I do enjoy little trailer previews playing in the background window area, I do not enjoy reaching for the volume all the time because of them playing at full Kodi volume, plus they are all inconsistent volumes anyway. No standard loudness level. So... I wonder if there is a way to implement an option in the skin setting area to select if background trailers play at, let's say, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% volume?

Thank you in advance.

Hey thanks, and nice to see kind words about Blue Twilight. I definitely missed my direction with BT, that's why I'm back with Cosmic Smile

Someone mentioned this idea before I believe but I totally forgot about it Wink
It should be possible to control volume with SetVolume() function so we can play with it a bit, I hope I won't forget about it this time Big Grin
(2022-07-07, 21:07)kim1406 Wrote: Hi
How can I get the movie/tv show cast information working on Cosmic? When click on actor's picture, it will say "No result found".

have the same issue. I suspect it's TMDBhelper issue but found no solution so far...
(2022-07-29, 19:13)heppenowski Wrote:
(2022-07-29, 06:07)WarSpaz Wrote: Just gave this skin a go today and i really like it.
One thing im wondering about is the trailer functionallity (where it can auto-play a trailer etc.) there is an option for manually starting trailer, is there a specific key for this?
I dont want every title to auto play a trailer, but at the same time i would love to be able to push a button and have it playing in the same space it does when auto-playing.
It should be started by pressing "OK" or Return on your remote/keyboard. However I'm not sure how it is working nowadays, since Cosmic (from Github) is under heavy development, so most things may not working correctly now Tongue
Quote:Oh, and another thing i might have missed, or it might be missing. When pausing using space, it only shows "paused". Is there any way to get movie info or episode info coming up automatically when pausing?
I know that i can press "I" for info or pause by double clicking "Enter", just wondering if there is an option to enable info when pausing with "Space"
I will see. OSD and seekbar is mostly done (music osd not) so I'm not sure if I want to work on it more. There is still many spots to fix and many places to redesign Smile

Thank you for the development. Tried to enable "manually start trailer" and pressing "Enter/Return" on my keyboard, but this just seems to throw me in to the movie directly, same as without this option on.
Ah well, eagerly awaiting the next release of the skin to try. Smile
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