How to enter SiliconDust DVR license into pvr.hdhomerundvr?
Have the addon for the pvr installed in Matrix, bought a license (DVR) from SiliconDust, set up a share on a NAS called HDHomeRun.  Now how do I get that license information entered into the addon in Kodi?  Sorry for the dumb question, TIA.

FOLLOW-UP:  FYI, the p/dvr never "discovers" my device, either locally or when set to cloud.  Well, I say never, let's just change that to "not in 18 hours, even though it is set to 10 minutes."
(2021-09-16, 19:24)tledford Wrote: Have the addon for the pvr installed in Matrix, bought a license (DVR) from SiliconDust, set up a share on a NAS called HDHomeRun.  Now how do I get that license information entered into the addon in Kodi?  Sorry for the dumb question, TIA.

FOLLOW-UP:  FYI, the p/dvr never "discovers" my device, either locally or when set to cloud.  Well, I say never, let's just change that to "not in 18 hours, even though it is set to 10 minutes."

Hi tledford, sorry I haven't been out here in a while, took a little hiatus from Kodi stuff Smile  The official Kodi addon currently only supports live playback from HDHomeRun devices and does not directly support the HDHomeRun DVR system.

That said, it sounds like you're actually using the unofficial "zuki" addon based on stating "the p/dvr never "discovers" my device, either locally or when set to cloud"?  I happen to know a thing or two about that addon (lol), if that's the case you should probably redirect your inquiry to the SiliconDust forum here:

Regardless of which addon you are currently using, neither requires any type of license be entered, it's all handled on SiliconDust's side of things; provided your devices are associated with the DVR service account it will "just work".  If you question that everything is set up properly, the easiest thing to try is the HDHomeRun app (Android/Windows/etc) where they provide a list of your devices and if they are set up properly.  Any problems there you should contact SiliconDust to have them help work it out Smile

Best of luck regardless, if you're indeed using "zuki", please hit me up at the link above.  Happy to help.

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How to enter SiliconDust DVR license into pvr.hdhomerundvr?0