v19 Universal Scraper - Strange behavior of the 'uniqueid_type / uniqueid_value'

I'm using Universal Scraper for my Movies library (Version 5.5.5)
'uniqueid_type' and 'uniqueid_type' are parameters in 'MyVideos119.db' -> movie_view

There are 3 options of running the scraper:
(1) Change Content (Set Content) -> Changing the scraper to another scraper -> Changing back to my wanted scraper -> set the settings again -> confirm ===> This will run over all the library.
(2) Adding a new item to the library -> Running "Update Library" (or "Scan for new content) ===> This will identify the new item and scan it.
(3) Selecting an item in the library -> Open the video information dialog -> Refresh ===> This will rescan the update the item details.

When I'm doing options (1) or (2)'uniqueid_type' shows "tmdb" and 'uniqueid_value' shows a TMDB id value.
When I'm doing options (3)'uniqueid_type' shows "imdb" and 'uniqueid_value' shows a IMDB id value -> 'tt......' (This value type is what I actually want and need)

My Universal settings: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MrM9dhpS34
* Pay attention!
The settings in the addon_data folder is not relevant to the scanning.
The actuall settings that in use exists in the 'MyVideos119.db' -> path.

Why there is a difference between options (1),(2) and (3)?

And by the way, why doesn't there is an option of "Refresh" all the library items?
(Instead of doing the (1) option which force you to define all the settings from start)

My purpose is to scan all my movies library so it will update all the 'uniqueid_value' to IMDB id type.


Update to the most recent v19 nightly for the fix and see if the difference persists.
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I installed this last nightly version:

Test it again according the option (2) that I mentioned: "Add + Update",
But it still the same.
It adds it to the data base in TMDB type & id value, instead of IMDB.

But when update info with the "Refresh" like option (3), 
It updates it in the data base with IMDB type & id value.

And by the way, I'm using this function "getInfoLabel("ListItem.IMDBNumber")" to get this ID value.
I think this is a little confusing, because as you can see it's not IMDB id for sure, it can be TMDB for example.
(2021-09-19, 13:05)burekas Wrote: I'm using this function "getInfoLabel("ListItem.IMDBNumber")" to get this ID value.
It is confusing. That label is now incorrectly named since additional ID's was introduced a few versions ago (IIRC v16?). That label is intended as the default unique id, which is whatever is set by the scraper.
There has been some talk about fixing that, but apparently it is a bit complicated and noone has taken on the job.

(2021-09-19, 13:05)burekas Wrote: It adds it to the data base in TMDB type & id value, instead of IMDB.

But when update info with the "Refresh" like option (3), 
It updates it in the data base with IMDB type & id value.
Maybe @olympia can check whether there is a difference in the scraper functions in UMS?

If you want IMDB ID's, install the Light IMDB addon (search forum), adjust the settings to make IMDB the default ID, and run it.
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Could you please test if this working correctly with themoviedb.com xml scraper?

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