Kodi Karaoke REBORN for FREE
Just figured I would post this somewhere for anyone interested.

The original Kodi Karaoke addon seems to be abandoned - it didn't work with Matrix (v19) and the .com expired.

But I really like this addon, so I've redeveloped it to work again. Most of the original source has been retained wherever possible but it had a lot of problems. I've fixed all the issues I could find and it's working well for me at this point. I removed the link to all paid services as well since their .com expired and that was used to validate user accounts and enable things.

Some notable changes from the original kodi karaoke app:
- Fixed searches to show multiple results
- Fixed add/remove favorite videos to karaoke favorites
- Fixed listing by artist and genre
- Fixed incompatibility with python 3
- Other general fixes and updates

There's ton of links all over the web for the old kodi karaoke addon that doesn't work and link to a dead repo. Not sure how to go about getting any of those updated, but feel free to point any of them at my updated version.


Enjoy and happy singing everybody!
For anyone who cares - I added browsing playlists as well to the addon today.

And I decided to re-use some of my code to create a new stand-alone "YouTube LITE" addon which just allows you to search and bookmark youtube videos without having to do ANY setup on the full youtube addon - you do still need to install it but no more needing to setup API keys. The full addon is nice but just overcomplicates what should be a very simple search process in my opinion.

This sounds cool.  Can you pull from local sources or does it only work with YouTube?
It's only setup to use YouTube at this time
Error in Vietnamese font
(2021-10-01, 15:43)Mrfixit2001 Wrote: Kodi Karaoke addon

Error in Vietnamese font
working great, thanks for updating this to work with Matrix!!
Kodi Matrix on Raspberry Pi4 4GB Libreelec - Gigabit Ethernet - Served from unRaid shares
Estuary skin - Netflix plug-in (CastagnalT) - Amazon Video Plug-in

Kodi Matrix on Pi4 in the car with USB storage and Mausberry 4A Power supply w/safe shutdown - HiFiBerry Digi+ optical out to Alpine PXA-800
Thanks for your work!  Arch (and Arch clones) may use this PKGBUILD: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/kodi-...di-karaoke
Need help programming a Streamzap remote?
Taking the plunge here as I saw you had posted the 'karaoke reborn' information which very much appeals to me. I've used kodi for media and downloaded addons to accomplish that. I am technically challenged however and I (& maybe others like me) would appreciate a few pointers on how to download and setup the karaoke player you have very kindly made operational for Matrix. I have many cdg:mp3 files and have used karafun on PC, but integrating into the kodi media player on my android phone would be really cool and so much more portable! :-)
I am guessing that I use this
For the installation and proceed as per video addon?
Thank you. & goodnight.
I've adapted the add-on to work with Nexus. Unfortunately, searching and generating of lists seem to be painfully slow but still, anyone who wants to give this a shot may get my version HERE.
I don't know if you know UltraStar, it's something more than a karaoke... do you think something like this could be done for kodi?

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