Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Bug Error in Italian translation: Language -> Lingua
I found an error in the Italian translation in the Settings of the section for adding new videos: "Preferred language" has been translated as "Linguaggio preferito", while the correct translation would be "Lingua preferita".
"Linguaggio" is not the correct translation for "language", while "lingua" is.
Hi @arialdomartini

Welcome to the forums.

Translations are done using Weblate.
Feel free to sign up to translate strings into Italian:

I'm having a hard time finding that string in the Italian language, as no string says "Linguaggio preferito" directly.
Perhaps it's from scraper?

Can you provide a screenshot of where you see it?

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Error in Italian translation: Language -> Lingua0
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