unity touchmod no backroundvideo
hi if i play one stream or lokal file i dont have vidos playing in the backround if i go back to movilist or somwhere
in the homescreen i have a little window with the video this is very nice i like it
this should stay like it is


so how i can play or see the videos wich are currently now playing in the backrounf

i know i must add some setting to the SkinSettings.xml
i have done it

but if i tootgle on off "showbackgroundvideo" settings in userdata folder not change i mudt do it manual

but the mod is so different to the original so i not know how i prebare the IncludesBackgroundBuilding.xml or includes.xml or whatever
i want to play the video only in the MyNavVid.xml

so that it looks like this


here is the skin

i make som fixesfor kodi matrix and for touch, change positions and do some little effekt for widget icons (on focus the icon jump a little up)
i love this skin cuz its very simply skin not overloaded and runs very well on old devices like my pi2
but now i stop on my way to customizese the skin

i tried some positions to instert

<visible>![Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo)] | [Window.IsVisible(MovieInformation) + !Skin.HasSetting(HideWindowedTrailer)] | Window.IsActive(TVChannels)</visible>

<visible>Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo) + !Window.IsVisible(TVChannels) + !Window.IsVisible(RadioChannels)</visible>

<visible>Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo) + !Window.IsVisible(TVChannels) + !Window.IsVisible(RadioChannels)</visible>

<visible>![Player.HasVideo + !Skin.HasSetting(ShowBackgroundVideo)] | [Window.IsVisible(MovieInformation) + !Skin.HasSetting(HideWindowedTrailer)] | Window.IsActive(TVChannels)</visible>

but after i have only a black background until i stop recent playing video
i do now a very ugly solution...
i create a videowindow in the backgroundsection of myvideonav.xml
set it to 1920x1080
and it works

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