Kodi 19.3 removed Stalker Client Add On

After update to Kodi 19.3, the Stalker Client add on has gone. Any solution how to restore it?

You may not have been running a compatible version of the addon 19.0.0 so you would need to update it.

How could I update it?
I can't find anything in Kodi about Stalker client.
Please give me some instructions.
me too the stalker client is no longer an option with this recent update 19.3

can someone please tell me how to install Stalker client PVR ?

please need help !!!

*bold font setting removed by moderator*
Also watching, I have the nexus zip but having issue with failed install into 19.3.  I'm looking for something to handle mac address for STB and can't use PVR simple client.....such as the stalker client lol.  Hrmm
Well I just stumbled into a working solution so I'll share as a newb who was having issues getting this working since updating to matrix 19.3.  I guess there are several 19.0 versions our something because none were working or update right.  However this version from this kodi tv worked (I'm running windows) so this zip from FTP halifax worked fine when I manually installed from the zip (which is the windows 64 bit version I think from the link)

it's gone in ( xbox one) but working fine in windows !!!!!!!!

any solution ?
We want stalker client in Xbox !
If some of you are interested in testing the next XBox build (19.4) then we could check this before it’s released, whenever that might be.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
I have created fix requests, unfortunately I have no backend available to test it.

It would be good if it could be tested on Windows and OSX (both because libxml2 is built differently).

Here are links to add-on ZIP's that have been created to test it out:
Jenkins created addon binaries for Kodi 19 Matrix (related pull request https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.stalker/pull/168)
Jenkins created addon binaries for Kodi 20 Nexus (related pull request https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.stalker/pull/167)

Regarding UWP and test for now, unfortunately, this does not work because it should be in the Kodi package itself, but to test OK on normal Windows.
If it works on Windows, it will be also on next Kodi 19 release fixed on WinUWP.
Hi guys  please help any soloution for this problem?

stalker client 19.0.1

Here are the Debug logs: (masked URL and MAC for security)

When I try to open the URL from debug logs in my browser I see "Firmware of your STB is outdated. Please update it."
Stalker vserion: repository.xbmc.org / Version = 19.0.3
Kodi 19.4
(2022-08-25, 00:11)dayal18 Wrote: Here are the Debug logs: (masked URL and MAC for security)

When I try to open the URL from debug logs in my browser I see "Firmware of your STB is outdated. Please update it."

They looks like your STB is not communicating with the remote site correctly. But I’m afraid I know very little about how stalker works.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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