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Advanced Kodi Launcher - Game and Emulators frontend for Kodi
(2022-09-24, 04:26)FurnaceRocker Wrote: That did work for the games showing up!  I used the direct from steam method, and it looks like everything's there.

Now however I'm running into a different problem.  If I try to launch a game it says "Cannot Launch ROM".  I've tried it with Steam open and closed, any tips on figuring that out?


Can you provide logging while trying to launch the ROM? See the topic starter for details. Also provide system/os details. Then I can have a look at it.
hastebin - donagebulo (kodi.tv)

I cropped out everything before I tried running Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, so this should be all you need, but if there's anything else let me know!
(2022-09-27, 06:30)FurnaceRocker Wrote: hastebin - donagebulo (kodi.tv)

I cropped out everything before I tried running Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, so this should be all you need, but if there's anything else let me know!
Thanks, this helps.

--: Executing ROM Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
--: No launcher configured for ROM Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
-- Automatic fallback to Retroplayer as launcher applied.

it looks like there is no launcher configured for your ROM Collection. You can associate a new one by going to context menu on the ROM collection, choose 'Edit ROM Collection' -> 'Add new launcher' -> 'Steam Library'. That should do it.
that worked thanks!
(2022-09-23, 22:19)Hael Wrote:
(2022-09-23, 09:23)chrisism Wrote:
(2022-09-22, 19:35)Hael Wrote: Out of curiosity, is there a skin with a view that supports video (in the form of trailers) for this?
Not sure at the moment. I think most of them are still custom mods. I am still trying to add it to Arctic Zephyr skin(s), but currently I am a little bit occupied with getting some Android changes in the new Kodi Nexus before they ship it. You can have a look in the AEL or IAGL addon threads. Skins might be compatible. 
Else you will have to wait a little bit longer untill I pick up the skinning again, because I definitly want to add that.
Entirely fair, I appreciate the work and response!
Well that was solved easier than expected! Got the Android fixes in and picked up the skin work I was doing. 
I have a custom test version of Arctic Zephyr Reloaded with extra game support and autoplay of trailers for games. The PR to the official skin repository is open, awaiting approval. In the mean time you can get my custom version 1.1.73~rc12 from my own beta repository (see thread start topic).
I will be adding all game support for skin in that particular version and hope it will be picked up by other skins along the way.
I would like to know if there is a tutorial to lo\aunch linux and windows programs within kodi thank you
(2022-11-07, 17:45)Mixalisfr Wrote: I would like to know if there is a tutorial to lo\aunch linux and windows programs within kodi thank you
You can read the wiki pages for more details (click here) and I will update that with more soon. But if you want a short version...

In the case of simply executing a windows or linux application (.exe, .bat, .sh etc.). 
- Open up AKL
- Open a category, or create one first and then open the category
- Open context menu
- Select "Add new ROM (Standalone)"
- Choose file-base ROM / executable
- Follow wizard steps and select the application/file to open

In the case of a ROM collection (multiple files which can be opened with a single application like an emulator), you start by creating a collection first and then associate a launcher.
UPDATE: Release 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 of AKL has been released and is now available on the stable repository.
  • Virtual categories now render items from database. Less mess and files in addon_data directory.
  • Add and execute single instance ROMs or Games.
  • Added an overview option with installed plugins.
  • Fix adding tags to ROMs.
  • Minor bugfixes
Also the wiki pages have been updated a lot. Lots of guides and screenshots added to explain all the possibilities of AKL.

Launching external apps with Android is now possible again if you switch to Kodi Nexus. I have submitted changes to the Android API in Kodi for the Nexus release which enables the possibility to execute Android apps through the StartActivity Kodi method. AKL now makes full use of this functionality. This means:
  • Retroarch launching on Android working with Kodi Nexus
  • Nvidia Gamestream launching (Nvidia Shield) working with Kodi Nexus
Hi @chrisism ! first of all thank you for this, it is exactly what I wanted.

I've been playing with it and it works great but I found a couple issues that I'm not sure if they are bugs or just that I didn't find a way:
  1. After scrapping a ROM collection, if I browse through it, everything is fine (Metadata, fanart, etc):
    But then if I go to one of the AKL categories, like "Recent Played", only the background image is displayed for the game, but not the thumbnail and fanart:
  2. Even if I add some ROMs as "Favorites", they are not displayed in the AKL Favorites category
Is there something I can do or tweak to fix this?

Thank you in advance!

PS: Kodi 19.4 on Windows, using the latest AKL version.
(2022-11-20, 17:10)larsete Wrote: Hi @chrisism ! first of all thank you for this, it is exactly what I wanted.

I've been playing with it and it works great but I found a couple issues that I'm not sure if they are bugs or just that I didn't find a way:
  1. After scrapping a ROM collection, if I browse through it, everything is fine (Metadata, fanart, etc):
    But then if I go to one of the AKL categories, like "Recent Played", only the background image is displayed for the game, but not the thumbnail and fanart:
  2. Even if I add some ROMs as "Favorites", they are not displayed in the AKL Favorites category
Is there something I can do or tweak to fix this?

Thank you in advance!

PS: Kodi 19.4 on Windows, using the latest AKL version.

Thanks, good to hear. And of course all feedback is welcome. 
So to answer:
1) This can be either skin support or simply a matter of rebuilding the virtual views. The entries in recently and most played virtual views are actually copied the moment they are added to that collection. So if you played one before assigning the assets it could be that the version in the recently played views are simply an older copy. To double check you can first try to go to utilities and select 'Rebuild views' so that all views are generated again with the latest information. 
If that doesnt seem to be it, you can double check the file contents in '%appdata%\kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.akl\db_genered_views\'. You will find a file called view_recently_played.json which you can open with for example Notepad. It will contain all the view information for the games most recently played. You can look up the game and check if all the assets are filled in under the "art" group.
If those are all set then it should be something with the skin. Try a different view, or try a different skin to get nicer views. I'll try it too with confluence, since it looks like you are using that skin. Let me know of anything of this helps your forward.

2) This seems to be a bug when adding the game to the favourites in AKL. I will pick this up and fix it with the next release. At the moment I am busy with some scraper plugin fixes and skin support, so after that I'll cover this one.

Hello, I have a question regarding the setup. I can not run the standart launcer. Do I need to install anything else?

Second question, when I want to delete a romcollection (also in the category), I get an error message?
Bzw. I use Kodi Matrix, and AkL in the last stabel version (1.1)
(2022-11-21, 15:03)chrisism Wrote:
(2022-11-20, 17:10)larsete Wrote: Hi @chrisism ! first of all thank you for this, it is exactly what I wanted.

I've been playing with it and it works great but I found a couple issues that I'm not sure if they are bugs or just that I didn't find a way:
  1. After scrapping a ROM collection, if I browse through it, everything is fine (Metadata, fanart, etc). But then if I go to one of the AKL categories, like "Recent Played", only the background image is displayed for the game, but not the thumbnail and fanart:

  2. Even if I add some ROMs as "Favorites", they are not displayed in the AKL Favorites category
Is there something I can do or tweak to fix this?

Thank you in advance!

PS: Kodi 19.4 on Windows, using the latest AKL version.

Thanks, good to hear. And of course all feedback is welcome. 
So to answer:
1) This can be either skin support or simply a matter of rebuilding the virtual views. The entries in recently and most played virtual views are actually copied the moment they are added to that collection. So if you played one before assigning the assets it could be that the version in the recently played views are simply an older copy. To double check you can first try to go to utilities and select 'Rebuild views' so that all views are generated again with the latest information. 
If that doesnt seem to be it, you can double check the file contents in '%appdata%\kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.akl\db_genered_views\'. You will find a file called view_recently_played.json which you can open with for example Notepad. It will contain all the view information for the games most recently played. You can look up the game and check if all the assets are filled in under the "art" group.
If those are all set then it should be something with the skin. Try a different view, or try a different skin to get nicer views. I'll try it too with confluence, since it looks like you are using that skin. Let me know of anything of this helps your forward.

2) This seems to be a bug when adding the game to the favourites in AKL. I will pick this up and fix it with the next release. At the moment I am busy with some scraper plugin fixes and skin support, so after that I'll cover this one.

Thank you for your answer and sorry for the late reply!

1) Yeah I tried rebuilding, checking the json files (all correct) and even deleting the images DB (texture13.db) and thumbnails, but same thing happens. I'm using the default skin (Estuary) with default config, if that helps.
2) Thanks!

Regarding what @boli199 said, I've also noticed an error when trying to delete a category, but resetting the DB works.

Ok I just realized that the skin is trying to load a different image. So while AKL loads "boxfront" for icon and thumbnail, Estuary tries to load "icon" which in the jsons is set to "DefaultProgram.png":

    "3dbox":"D:/Emulators/Kodi/Arcade/Assets/3d boxes/hharry.png",
    "genre":"Platform / Fighter Scrolling",
    "plot":"This was released in Japanese Arcade's in 1990, and for the NES on November 15th 1991 and sometime in 1992 in Europe.",
    "title":"Hammerin' Harry",

Is there a way around this without having to edit the json files?

(2022-11-22, 21:41)boli199 Wrote: ImageImage

Hello, I have a question regarding the setup. I can not run the standart launcer. Do I need to install anything else?

Second question, when I want to delete a romcollection (also in the category), I get an error message?

I'll need a little bit more details. Can you get the logs using the method as described in the threadstart? Paste them on paste.kodi.tv and share the link.
As for the standard launcher, so I guess you installed the default plugin from the repository:

If you have the latest version of AKL, you will have the following option under 'Utilities'. You can check if it the plugin is recognized by AKL. If not, try the option 'Scan for plugin addons'.
Under the show plugins you will need to find a version of 'Application Launcher'. This is the default launcher where you simply select an application or scripts, like with AEL.

Let me know if you have the logs.
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