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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
Thank you. 
I didn't know they are on the banned list, but I know that they are very popular among Kodi community.
(2023-01-02, 13:04)SirRickie Wrote: In my main menu, I have added my Trakt watchlist (through TMDBH). 
How to set this up? For this to work, you have to authorize trakt account somewhere inside TMDBH addon?
Yes, authorize Trakt in TMDB. Then Skin settings, customize main menu and so on.
(2023-01-02, 12:42)VelimirSaban Wrote: Is there a way to get actors list and ratings on movie information page without using the local library? I'm using Umbrella and Fen addons for streaming. Estuary default skin shows actors. Thanks!

@VelimirSaban please review the Forum Rules and especially the Banned Add-ons (wiki) section if you haven't done so already.

Don't ask for advice / support or discuss piracy addons (however indirect your issue may be) on this forum.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
(2023-01-02, 13:09)VelimirSaban Wrote: Thank you. 
I didn't know they are on the banned list, but I know that they are very popular among Kodi community.
What do you mean by that ? I'm not talking here of banned add-ons or banned lists ? Plse read my post thoroughly.
(2023-01-02, 13:04)SirRickie Wrote: Is it possible to display the ratings from IMDB instead of TMDB ?

Sorry. Special Ratings like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, MetaCritic and others are not available outside the video info windows. Even if they are exists in the database, they will simply not shown.
(2023-01-02, 12:42)VelimirSaban Wrote: Is there a way to get actors list and ratings on movie information page without using the local library? I'm using trakt lists to show tv shows and music. Estuary default skin shows actors. Thanks!

Both plain Estuary and this Mod are using the same labels and list ids. I don't know why Estuary shows actors from trakt and the Mod doesn't. Sorry.
I've added an option to my context menu which allows me to select the scraper for the TV Highlights widget. It does exactly the same function as your category widget on the live TV home page. Whilst the option works, it's showing up for all widgets (ie. Movies, TV shows, Music and other Live TV widgets). What I would like to happen is for this option to appear on the TV Highlights widget only. I guess I need some further visibility condition to specify this, but I've been having trouble working out what's needed. Here's what I have currently:-
<control type="button" id="1100">
                    <texturefocus colordiffuse="button_focus">lists/focus.png</texturefocus>
                    <texturenofocus />
                    <label>  Change TV Highlights Scraper</label>
                    <visible>System.AddonIsEnabled(script.service.gto) + Window.IsVisible(Home)</visible>
The ID for my TV Highlights widget is 12500, which I was guessing I needed to actually specify somewhere as part of the visibility? Any tips on how I can achieve this would be much appreciated. The plan is to also add the other TV Highlights option to update the listings to the context menu as well.  
This is not as easy because the control/container/window just lost his focus (and other properties) when the context menu is opened. So Control.hasFocus(12500) or something else is useless. I suggest to use the category widget to place the options for changing/update scraper.

For this, add at beginning of the include "WidgetListCategories" (Includes_Home.xml)

<param name="additional_pvr_items">false</param>

and at the end of the include (behind <content target=...>

<include condition="$PARAM[additional_pvr_items]" content="PVRSubmenuItems">

Take a look a few lines later to the includes "MovieSubmenuItems" or "TVShowsubmenuItems" and apply the syntax to your new created include "PVRSubmenuItems". This should do the trick. Don't forget to set the parameter "additional_pvr_items" to true in Home.xml (near line 394, or search for id 12900).

<param name="additional_pvr_items" value="true"/>

EDIT: I've made a pull request to your github repo.
(2023-01-04, 16:01)_BJ1 Wrote: This is not as easy because the control/container/window just lost his focus (and other properties) when the context menu is opened. So Control.hasFocus(12500) or something else is useless. I suggest to use the category widget to place the options for changing/update scraper.
Ah well, that would certainly explain why anything I was trying didn't work then.  Wink
I had previously included both of these options as new additions to the live TV category widgets like you have suggested when I first added the TV Highlights widget, but then discovered that all of the category widgets could no longer be displayed on one screen when the main menu was in hidden mode. 

To be honest, this was my main reasoning for not adding both options to the category widget and why I had thought about adding them to context menu instead. But as you've rightly indicated, adding to the context menu is not really an option either (or at least in the way that I had hoped for).

Many thanks for the reply and the time you took making the suggestion. Hope you won't feel too offended if I decline on this occasion.
(2023-01-04, 22:15)Dumyat Wrote: but then discovered that all of the category widgets could no longer be displayed on one screen when the main menu was in hidden mode. 

All of the category widgets? My PR adds the additional items only to the PVR widget. But anyway, You can of course implement your own suggestions. I am not sad about that.
Thanks mate.
All of the features on your skin mod have been a great inspiration for my own project. No doubt they will continue do so in the future as well   Smile
Hugh, Friday the 13th...

​3.4.2+matrix.17 / 4.0.2+nexus.17
  • fix race condition in PVR next up that kodi causes to crash (issue #104)
  • add season/episode labels to pvr widget
After updating to Nexus, do I have to install and update the Nexus version of the skin manually? will it be added to Kodinerds repo?
Nexus is already in Kodinerds repo. Just go to Settings -> Addons -> User Addons -> Look and Feel -> Skins -> Estuary Mod V2 and choose "Versions".
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