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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
(2023-01-22, 18:05)tigerteacher Wrote: I recently updated to Kodi 20, and I updated my Android permissions to show file lists (which had disappeared). I cleaned my music library this morning, listened to some music, and the recently played and recently added albums will now not show up. I've tried turning off and rebooting Kodi.

They still be there:


Maybe You have enable the widgets again after update: Reset Main Menu and arrange it again. Go to skin settings and customize main menu, goto music and manage items for music widget.
(2023-01-22, 21:18)spl147 Wrote: so with your current DialogVideoInfo, when a trailer ends there is no button focused. if i hit cancel, then the trailer button has focus.

if i comment out lines 918-947 then when the trailer ends the trailer button has focus

also commented out 203-204

i tried changing (439) to (8) in the <control type="button" id="9002"> but still no focus, play or trailer

Yes, there are some process mechanism introduced by the original maintainer Guilouz, that's somehow not clear and confusing me to.
Is WebDAV method still working again? I gave away my fire stick to a friend and got a new one but today it seems to not be working like last time
Sorry disregard last message, it was kodi remote not pasting correctly but WebDAV is working fine.
3.4.2+matrix.19 / 4.1.0+nexus
  • Listview bugfix
  • Fix doubled label of 'in progress tv shows'
  • Distribution logos in context menu added
  • avoid flickering in settings window when video sources are shown and icon view is set

additional (Nexus):
  • Introducing favourites browser
  • update screen calibration

Nexus Users: Due to the implementation of the new Favourites Browser it is necessary to reset the main menu. If this is not possible, e.g. due to extensive changes, it is sufficient in many cases, e.g. to add a menu entry (and delete it later) that triggers the Skin Shortcuts addon to rewrite the menu. Otherwise the Favourites Browser is not accessable.
Thank you very much for the update. 😃
It's great, everything works perfectly.  👍🏻
Thanks for the new updates.There is no option to restart from eMMC/NAND in the Kodi Nexus Power menu. "DialogButtonMenu.xml" exists here but no OSD.
The DialogButtonMenu.xml are identical for both Matrix and Nexus. Both checking the existence of a special path: /dev/system. If this path exists the option "restart from emmc/NAND" is shown. I suggest you have to follow the instructions from here as your system seems to be unable reading the file system after an update to Nexus: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3132727
I use CoreElec.The original Estuary interface has the option "restart from Emmc/Nand" in the Power menu.
Estuary interface "Dialogbuttonmenu.xml" file "Estuary.modv2" XML folder, and "Restart from Emmc/Nand" was seen.
It's independend if you use CoreElec, LibreElec or something else. It only depends on the existence of  a special path:
(2023-01-23, 20:11)_BJ1 Wrote: Both checking the existence of a special path: /dev/system. If this path exists the option "restart from emmc/NAND" is shown.

Please tell me about a little bit more of your hardware.
The TV box works with double operating system CoreElec and Android. With the restart from eMMC/Nand button, the TV box is switched to Android.
DialogButtonMenu.xml  line
" <label>$LOCALIZE[31556]</label>"


With the original Estuary "dialogbuttonmenu.xml" Estuary MODV2 Power Menu
I finally solved it.
These lines

It was edited with these lines
<label>Reboot from eMMC/NAND</label>
<visible>System.PathExist("/dev/system") | System.PathExist("/dev/userdata")</visible>
 <icon>special://skin/extras/icons/Power menu/reboot_emmc.png</icon>

I will investigate some more time in the evening and compare some code arround the issue on several skins. I wonder why the folder /dev/system not exists and /dev/userdata instead is used. I also own a corelec build that runs with a dual boot system Android/Corelec on eMMC and S905x3 hardware (Tanix TX3). Everything is fine here.

But I'm glad that you found a solution for you now. Maybe this will included in future updates. 

(2023-01-24, 00:30)crazyturk Wrote: I finally solved it.
These lines

It was edited with these lines
<label>Reboot from eMMC/NAND</label>
<visible>System.PathExist("/dev/system") | System.PathExist("/dev/userdata")</visible>
 <icon>special://skin/extras/icons/Power menu/reboot_emmc.png</icon>


your changes to the skin were unnecessary, CoreELEC clearly states that upgrading from 19 to 20 is not advised due to permission issues, but recommend a clean install
CoreElec Nexus works smoothly. CoreElec Nexus software 905x3 kernel 4.9.269 and A311d2 and 905x4 processors work with kernel 5.4.125. The difference is here. Amlogic 922-H, the TV box's power menu is available in the EMMC/NAND option. The core works with 4.9.269. My friend has a TV box of ugoos am7 905x4, no emmc/nand menu on that device. That TV box also works with kernel 5.4.125
My TV Box GT King A311D2. Anyway, I solved the problem on my own device.
Thanks to everyone interested.
Best regards...
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