Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
Hi, the weather fanart pack not work . Not visible in windows, android and in coreelec.. Used omega kodi and nexus.
Fanart opacity 95% other fanarts, extrafanarts visible.
Which weather package? I've checked weather fanart multi (doesn't work) and weather fanart prairie. Prairie just works as expected. Maybe the weather fanart multi is defect.
The weather fanart multi.
Works in other skins, no issue..
There is no changes in the code since 2016..
The skin code for weather hasn't change too since Leia (?).  Have a look into this later.
I've installed this version from zip and there is, the  weatherfanart.multi still worked fine..
This is due a change/replacement from image type "multiimage" to "image" for background images and even for weather. From this point of Nexus development (20.1) Kodi doesn't allow a variable (here $VAR[Background_Opacity]) as an attribute for multi images - only fixed values are allowed. The effect on multi images is now: you cannot use an opacity for those images within the skin settings anymore. That's bad.

See the history of changes on Github: 4.1.1+nexus.4 I'm working on a solution for multiimages. As a quick fix I reverted the image type back to multiimage for weather and set the opacity to a fixed value.
### 4.1.2+nexus.2 ###
  • fix wrong plot position on PVR Icon Wall when "show channel groups" on EPG grid is selected
  • adjustments on mosaic views
  • add animation to PVR NextUp
  • reverted image type back to multiimage for weather widget
Thanks, I think the same correction needed for the MyWeahter.xml too...When you click on the weather widget, you'll see..
Yes. Comes with next update.
For those who's using this skin in Kodi Omega and needs some footage for visual improvement, download these images from github and use them as replacement. Copy them to ./kodi/addons/skin.estuary.modv2/extras/themes/

Note: Skin Estuary Mod V2 Nexus is running with Kodi Omega too. The complete Omega tree of this skin will not working on Omega alpha/beta versions until the final xbmc.gui/xbmc.python versions are out.
### 4.1.2+nexus.3 ###
  • reverted image type back to multiimage for weather widget pt.2
  • Introducing battery level display/symbol on Top Bar in Home screen for mobile devices

First, I want to state that I really like this skin (Estuary mod v2).  Recently, I had to use subtitles (Kodi command: t) to view subtitles.  Clicking t (also remote control that generates t keypress) I noticed that the fly out box is missing to display the language or disabled.  This action happens in the default Estuary skin and not in Mod 2.  Can this be added?
Do You mean the subtitles notification? Maybe you have enabled the option "Hide notification popup during playback". Disable this. Btw, I am considering removing this option as it causes more problems than benefits.


I have "Hide notification popup during playback" disabled.  It doesn't show until the playback end or stops.

I am so sorry.  I have 2 kodi clients.  One has it enabled and the other disabled.  I have fixed it that the both have this option disabled.
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