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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
I'd like to install this on an Android TV with Kodi Omega. However, it has no internet access and I will need to install via zip. Is there a list of required dependencies? TIA
(2024-12-08, 20:42)firstofthewinterale Wrote: Is there a list of required dependencies?

Ok, the bit rate for AAC 5.1, AC3 (all types) and DTS does not show.  Could you please add that back?

And while you're at it... E-AC-3 is either "Dolby Digital Plus", or "Dolby Digital Plus with Atmos" (depending on the stream content).  It shows as "Dolby Digital Pro", which there is no such thing.

(2024-12-09, 02:51)therealjoeblow Wrote: And while you're at it... E-AC-3 is either "Dolby Digital Plus", or "Dolby Digital Plus with Atmos" (depending on the stream content).  It shows as "Dolby Digital Pro", which there is no such thing.
EAC-3 is showing as Dolby Digital Plus. Maybe you have selected a wrong audio track or the skin is not up to date?



Sorry I see, string selection is incorrect...

The audio stream rate is only present on CoreElec devices because the associated infolabel Player.Process(audio.live.kibit.rate) exists only there. The plain Kodi infolabels doesn't have such a property: https://kodi.wiki/view/InfoLabels#Player_labels as I know.
Hello -- I am using this skin for Kodi on my Nvidia Shield. I am having a tough time to get the scrolling lyrics to disappear, which I generally dont use. I turned on the lyrics to try them out and now I cannot get them to disappear. I have all lyrics turned off, including "activate lyrics" and "show scrolling text" under Music OSD. Once I activate a music file and playback starts, I have a moment to use settings at the bottom of the playback page, but after that the lyrics take over the screen. I've tried using some of the different lyric animation settings, checking lyrics on and turning off, restarting Kodi, but cannot get the lyrics to stop. Is there any setting I can use to help make the lyrics to disappear. All OSD Artwork is turne off as well.
Deactivate the addon itself (CU LRC Lyrics) in Settings >> Addons >> Services.
That fixed it. Thank you
How can I create another serial library from another NAS? I would like to see the respective library for each NAS used. Thank you.
(2024-12-09, 10:24)_BJ1 Wrote:
(2024-12-09, 02:51)therealjoeblow Wrote: And while you're at it... E-AC-3 is either "Dolby Digital Plus", or "Dolby Digital Plus with Atmos" (depending on the stream content).  It shows as "Dolby Digital Pro", which there is no such thing.
EAC-3 is showing as Dolby Digital Plus. Maybe you have selected a wrong audio track or the skin is not up to date?



Sorry I see, string selection is incorrect...

The audio stream rate is only present on CoreElec devices because the associated infolabel Player.Process(audio.live.kibit.rate) exists only there. The plain Kodi infolabels doesn't have such a property: https://kodi.wiki/view/InfoLabels#Player_labels as I know.
The default Kodi skin can show the audio stream bitrate (at least on Windows)...


Yes, plain Estuary use VideoPlayer.AudioBitrate as Infolabel which isn't documented nowhere else. Anyway, this is been added as fallback to the PPI. Btw, while Windows seems to determine bitrate of eac3 files, Linux can't.


I have a really tiny request for a small adjustment. Feel free to dismiss Wink
I know in the German language, capital letters are used quite often. In the Linux world however, not so much.
I noticed that in player process i fo, the fps is now 'FpS', which doesn't look that great at least on my eyes. Would it be possible to change it back to the more pleasantly looking lowercase variant ?
### 21.2.1+omega.12 ###
  • "Last updated TV Shows" to TV Show Widgets added
  • some issues with content related background images in video addons fixed, settings for background fanart and extra fanart improved
  • Infolabel VideoPlayer.AudioBitrate as Fallback to Player Process Info added
  • minor fixes and improvements
I know I purposely timed my little request, but I keep being amazed by the speed of your updates optimizing the skin. Again,many thanks for your work!
Thank you very much for the update @_BJ1 !!  Happy Holidays, hope you get a break to spend time with family and friends!

Poster mode is shifting 6 items at a time when using the "page-at-a-time-scroll" mode.  This is causing it to entirely miss one item every "page"...

Eg.  In this view, the next item to the left of "Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is "Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power", you can see a small sliver of its cover showing:


When I scroll 1 page to the left (cursor down and hit the left arrow key), it shows this view next:


You can see "Rings of Power" has scrolled almost entirely off the screen at the right because it shifted 6 items, so effectively it's been missed when browsing the library "page-at-a-time".

What it should have done is only shifted 5 items, so that "Rings of Power" remains as the last item on the screen at the right":


Could you please update that to shift only 5 items at a time so that we don't miss one item entirely every time we scroll through the library page-at-a-time in cover mode?

Many thanks
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