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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
You'll find the build settings in userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts
Thank you!
am using the latest version of this skin but how can I get all of the actors names to show up in Info view? None of the actors names show up unless I go down and highlight one, but would like them to all show up if possible. Also, how can I get the media icons (resolution, MPAA rating etc) to be the same ones shown in both Infowall (posters) view and also on the Info screen? The settings for which icons are displayed only seem to be reflected on the Infowall (posters) view, not on the Info screen (in this instance I have the aspect ratio icon turned off in settings but still showing in Info view). Thank you!ImageImage
1. Settings >> Skin Settings >> Home menu  >> Show media names with widget names > disable
2. Its a bug (missing dependency) and will be fixed.
  • smaller issues in PVR Guide fixed
  • Inconsistence of showing channel backgrounds in several PVR views fixed (thanks Atreyu)
  • Introducing season fanart in Flix view
  • Missing media flag dependencies to video info dialog added
Great thanks for fixing the media flag bug! I disabled the "show media names with widget names" setting but now in some view types with posters such as Infowall (posters) neither the posters or titles aren't showing. Is there a way to show all the actor names on the Info page without also showing the title of the movie below the poster image? Also, is there a way to toggle the icons for subtitle and audio languages on the Info page? Thank you!
(2025-01-26, 08:19)hiberto Wrote: but now in some view types with posters such as Infowall (posters) neither the posters or titles aren't showing.

Hmm, some issue is gone, another comes... Will fix this.
(2025-01-26, 08:19)hiberto Wrote: Is there a way to show all the actor names on the Info page without also showing the title of the movie below the poster image?

No, they depends on the same setting.
(2025-01-26, 08:19)hiberto Wrote: Also, is there a way to toggle the icons for subtitle and audio languages on the Info page?

No, there are no settings toggling the visibility of sub/lang flags.
### 21.2.1+omega.16 ###

Revert/fix conditional visibility of Poster view when "Show media names with widget names" is disabled
great, thank you!
Hey man,

Thank you for all your work.. i have started customizing things with playlists and i was wondering if there is a way to have more than 8 widgets for each category? 

I'm trying to have a playlist for each genre ordered by "random" but 8 is too few... 

many thanks!
Eight widgets is a limitation of  the Skin Shortcuts Addon. Also there is a bug in vertical navigation between the widgets on some devices/hardware. There is no solution for years. A workaround is moving the menu main entry to first 3-4 entries: https://github.com/b-jesch/skin.estuary.modv2/issues/92
As usual, thanks a lot for all the development on this skin. I absolutely love the fact you added CPM builds' stuff on player process info. Thanks!!!

I have a couple of questions concerning the Music view "Triple list".

The view has artists on the left, albums in central positions and tracks within albums on the right.
When one browses through albums and selects the one they want, moving to the right to go the tracks listing has track 7 or 8 selected by default (don't know on what it depends). If one moves to a different track and then goes back to the central albums list, moving to a different album selects a different track, depending on which track you had selected previously. Could we not have track 1 selected by default every time a new album is picked from the central list? Current situation makes no sense whatsoever (to me, at least).

On the same view, if one plays a track (or an album) from the right list (or central list), playback starts. But when one stops the music, the "cursor" is back in the artists list on the left panel. This, again, makes no sense, as in Kodi you always go back to where you started playback, as far as I can remember. Could we have the usual behavior restored?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2025-01-28, 22:33)ashlar Wrote: As usual, thanks a lot for all the development on this skin. I absolutely love the fact you added CPM builds' stuff on player process info. Thanks!!!

I have a couple of questions concerning the Music view "Triple list".

The view has artists on the left, albums in central positions and tracks within albums on the right.
When one browses through albums and selects the one they want, moving to the right to go the tracks listing has track 7 or 8 selected by default (don't know on what it depends). If one moves to a different track and then goes back to the central albums list, moving to a different album selects a different track, depending on which track you had selected previously. Could we not have track 1 selected by default every time a new album is picked from the central list? Current situation makes no sense whatsoever (to me, at least).

On the same view, if one plays a track (or an album) from the right list (or central list), playback starts. But when one stops the music, the "cursor" is back in the artists list on the left panel. This, again, makes no sense, as in Kodi you always go back to where you started playback, as far as I can remember. Could we have the usual behavior restored?
LOL, this post of mine was the kiss of death for the discussion... Rofl
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Do you think so? Blush It's already in the pipeline and on Github. Haven't much time to write here...
Having trouble getting the ratings (not MPAA rating) from the metadata or scrapers to show on the Information screen. right now it only shows them on the screen where all my movies show up at once (in this case Infowall (posters)). I have Show Ratings in Dialog Info Views enabled and it still only shows the rating on the Infowall (posters) screen. Is it possible to have the ratings show on both the library view and Info screen?
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