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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
(2023-01-21, 15:06)_BJ1 Wrote: You don't need to adjust the overscan on modern TVs except you have an old Tube-TV. Nearly every TV with HDMI input is able to fit the whole screen within. It's just depends from screen format setting of the tv. Don't use 16:9, wide or similar on your TV, use "just scan", "compute" or else depending on your TV.
This will be fixed in  the next update?
(2023-01-21, 15:34)jjd-uk Wrote: Note if this is the Video Calibration window then there's a necessary change for v20, see https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3133572

Unfortunately it seems this wasn't communicated at the time the code change was made.

Will the video calibration be fixed in the next update?
Apologies I linked the wrong change as the breaking one, it's actually this one https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3103670

See also 1st post on that thread:

Quote:changed controls
mover and resize (details)
NOTE: This will break your skin's SettingsScreenCalibration.xml unless you add movingspeed to your controls.
Estuary example here.
@jjd-uk Again thank You.
n00b question ... but if I update to Nexus and install the Nexus edition, will it import settings/library from my current Matrix Estaury or do I need to set everything up again?
Matrix and Nexus using the same settings. You can update without side effects except if then main menu has modified by skin shortcuts (add/move/modify menu entries). In this case you have to reset the main menu and arrange the items again if needed. But thats all.
Brilliant! Thanks for the quick response Smile
Hi. Sorry if this has been asked before but I was just wondering if there was a way to change the order of the widgets, for example in movie put random movies ahead of in progress. Also is there a random tv show widget?
Thank you
No and No  Smile
can you tell me what code and it's location for setting button focus when a trailer ends, currently after a trailer ends you are returned to the DialogvVdeoInfo screen, but there is no button focus. i would like to set the play button to be focused
The default button (whis has the focus on load) ist button id="8" which is the play button - or in case info is shown on tvhsows - the file manager button. As you see in line 200 (DialogVideoInfo.xml) the focus is changed to id 9002 when trailer button is activated (439). This button has a lot of conditional settings (line 918 - 947) which all set the focus back to 439.
Hello, I not sure whether this has to do with Kodi or the add on. None of my "recently played" or "recently added" albums are showing in my customized main menu (music) item. They were there previously. I recently updated to Kodi 20, and I updated my Android permissions to show file lists (which had disappeared). I cleaned my music library this morning, listened to some music, and the recently played and recently added albums will now not show up. I've tried turning off and rebooting Kodi.

There are other widgets within the music item, including some ones I've set up which are showing up fine. I have Tidal Favorites, Tidal Suggestions, and Tidal Search set up. All those are showing.
(2023-01-22, 17:45)_BJ1 Wrote: The default button (whis has the focus on load) ist button id="8" which is the play button - or in case info is shown on tvhsows - the file manager button. As you see in line 200 (DialogVideoInfo.xml) the focus is changed to id 9002 when trailer button is activated (439). This button has a lot of conditional settings (line 918 - 947) which all set the focus back to 439.

so with your current DialogVideoInfo, when a trailer ends there is no button focused. if i hit cancel, then the trailer button has focus.

if i comment out lines 918-947 then when the trailer ends the trailer button has focus

also commented out 203-204

i tried changing (439) to (8) in the <control type="button" id="9002"> but still no focus, play or trailer
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