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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
(2024-11-16, 19:54)Steha Wrote: It affects all of my streaming addons whose content I want to start via the widgets.

which addons in particular?
perhaps there is something the developer can look into?
This affects all addons that I start via AutoWidget - drinfernoo 3.7.0 and all streaming addons. A good example of this is the TMDB Helper - jurialmunkey 5.4.6. I choose a film from the widgets and want to play a trailer and stop it. A short time later, maybe 1 minute, the context menu simply opens without me doing anything. Another good example is the addon ARDundZDF 5.1.3 from the Kodinerds addon repo If I start content from the widgets and stop it, the content starts again.
I just tried using the Youtube addon by starting my subscriptions from the widgets and nothing happens this time.
What happens if you disable/deactivate the embuary helper complete?
The same. I have completely uninstalled the embuary helper and embuary info.
Gt King II CoreELEC ne aarch64 runs smoothly with 22.0 piers including all plugins.
The same CoreELEC nor aarh64 is working problematic with 22.0 piers AM8. If I remove the embury helper plugin some videos work but crash again with osd information.
Two different devices and two different behaviors.The only difference is that AM8 runs Dolbyvision.
(2024-11-16, 22:38)crazyturk Wrote: Gt King II CoreELEC ne aarch64 runs smoothly with 22.0 piers including all plugins.
The same CoreELEC nor aarh64 is working problematic with 22.0 piers AM8. If I remove the embury helper plugin some videos work but crash again with osd information.
Two different devices and two different behaviors.The only difference is that AM8 runs Dolbyvision.

To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... Debug Log

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
If embuary helper and embuary info are completely uninstalled, this cannot be the reason for the behavior. Please try deactivating the Auto Widget addon.  Otherwise, only a complete debug log, where the behavior is documented or recorded, will help.
### 21.2.1+omega.10 ###
  • Player Process Info (in short PPI) extended (regular Kodi builds)
  • Introducing Player Process Info for Amlogic CPM builds (CoreELEC) (DV/HDR)

Note about PPI for Amlogic CPM:
  • This feature is still experimental and nobody knows (even CoreElec don't) which direction this build goes at time by CPM developer and nobody knows if the features of CPM build will ever implemented in CoreELEC.
  • CPM builds are running only on Amlogic devices. Full support of PPI is given on devices which are Dolby Vision capable (S905x4 and others). For a list of recommended devices look here: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=376035
  • Other hardware then Amlogic (and Amlogic without CoreELEC CPM) will show the default (but updated) PPI
  • CoreELEC (CPM) builds are available here: https://github.com/cpm-code/xbmc/releases

Don't ask for installation and support of Amlogic CPM (CoreELEC) related items. This is the Skin Estuary Mod V2 Support Thread here. Visit the CoreELEC forums instead, e.g. https://discourse.coreelec.org/t/dolby-v.../52794/704
Fixes, hints, language translations and PRs are welcome to the skin implementation.
Thanks for the latest tuneup. Shows better for non-cpm systems 👍
Hi, there seems to be a slight delay in updating the actor thumbnails - but ONLY when the "Info" key is pressed while watching a movie or tv show.  Not when browsing thru with the main browser.

IE, by that I mean, if I look through my movies from the main browser, when I hit the info key there, the detailed screen pops up instantly with the correct actors shown exactly at the same time as screen changes.  I can do this over and over scrolling thru movies or shows as fast as I want, and every time the detailed info screen shows with the correct actor thumbnails shown at the bottom instantly.

But when I do that while watching any movie or show, when the detailed info screen pops up, it always shows the actor thumbnails at the bottom from whatever the last show that I looked at the details for, for about 1 second, before it loads the thumbnails for the correct actors for the current show.

Not a huge issue, but the delay is irritating.  Is it possible to update to use the same code as the main browser is using, so that the correct thumbnails are shown immediately without the wrong ones and the delay to switch?

Many thanks
(2024-11-21, 22:03)_BJ1 Wrote: ### 21.2.1+omega.10 ###
  • Player Process Info (in short PPI) extended (regular Kodi builds)
  • Introducing Player Process Info for Amlogic CPM builds (CoreELEC) (DV/HDR)

Note about PPI for Amlogic CPM:
  • This feature is still experimental and nobody knows (even CoreElec don't) which direction this build goes at time by CPM developer and nobody knows if the features of CPM build will ever implemented in CoreELEC.
  • CPM builds are running only on Amlogic devices. Full support of PPI is given on devices which are Dolby Vision capable (S905x4 and others). For a list of recommended devices look here: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=376035
  • Other hardware then Amlogic (and Amlogic without CoreELEC CPM) will show the default (but updated) PPI
  • CoreELEC (CPM) builds are available here: https://github.com/cpm-code/xbmc/releases

Don't ask for installation and support of Amlogic CPM (CoreELEC) related items. This is the Skin Estuary Mod V2 Support Thread here. Visit the CoreELEC forums instead, e.g. https://discourse.coreelec.org/t/dolby-v.../52794/704
Fixes, hints, language translations and PRs are welcome to the skin implementation.

PPI doesn't show the audio stream bitrate, under either "Audio Stream" or "Audio Codec".  I could swear that in previous versions it did, but maybe I'm remembering wrong?  If it's possible, could you add the bitrate to one of these displays?

Many thanks
(2024-11-24, 17:13)therealjoeblow Wrote: But when I do that while watching any movie or show, when the detailed info screen pops up, it always shows the actor thumbnails at the bottom from whatever the last show that I looked at the details for, for about 1 second, before it loads the thumbnails for the correct actors for the current show.

During playback, the information and in particular the actors are obtained online from the TMDB instead of from the local database. This is why there is a delay. The player has no way of accessing the local database.
(2024-11-24, 17:18)therealjoeblow Wrote: PPI doesn't show the audio stream bitrate, under either "Audio Stream" or "Audio Codec".

I'll take a look at this.

EDIT: It's still there but not for all codecs.

Edit: I no longer need my previous request. I would like to have fanart only on PVR OSD. IMHO, the default poster is too large for live TV.
### 21.2.1+omega.11 ###
  • disable seasonals on picture slideshows
  • show bitrate/samplerate in music OSD
  • seen flag for movies in flix view added
  • smaller improvements and fixes
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