Theoretically, could the game library accept a link to the Steam Addon?
Usually the Steam add-on is separate in the program add-on category and I create a custom menu item linking to the add-on and go from there. It would be pretty neat to have the game library simply have external launchers like it's a generalized "All of your games and game services" bucket. Possible?

I totally understand if that's infeasible and, well, kinda "That's not how any of this works".
Ok, I misunderstood where development is, nevermind disregard.:
I use the Steam Add-on to browse my steam library:


I include a repo for this add-on in my test builds:
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Maybe a bit late reply, but you can also check out AKL addon.
This works similar like other launcher addons, but has a wider range of support for launching, collection, scraping metadata and images for games. This includes Steam support.

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