Mimic-LR - Color Schemes
(2022-01-22, 03:49)chitridang Wrote: @randallspicher 
Is it possible to set as har-coded:
(color name="dialog") =  (color name="background")?
You can set both "dialog" and "background" to be the same in the colors/<colorname>.xml file if you want.  If they are the same, then the pop-up won't look so much like a pop up a lot of the time though. (you won't be able to see the edge of the pop-up box if it matches the background color)

BTW, I darkened the dialog color in all the schemes and pushed out a -b13, so should be more readable.
With -b13, I think the skin is good as it is Big Grin
Can you add the font weblysleek-ui-semibold to the list of customazable fonts?
Thank you very much Big Grin
A vote sounds fair...Thanks for the response. Updated to b13 & it looks better. Thanks again.
Why the background is light grey despite I have chosen white?
Why this window is darker than other windows?
(2022-02-25, 02:57)chitridang Wrote: @randallspicher 
Why the background is light grey despite I have chosen white?
Why this window is darker than other windows?
The "Light" color scheme is a work in progress.

The way it works is there is a background image, which then gets the "background overlay" image on top with a color mask (from the color.xml) applied to it, which "tints" and textures the image (with varying degrees of transparency).  Most of the default backgrounds are dark, and so are most of the default overlay images, which don't mix well with trying to lighten them up.  I've added some light backgrounds and overlays which you can switch to that may work out better.   The "skin settings" screen has it's own .xml which was not apparently using the overlay stuff originally, which at least now is applying a light overlay (instead of ending up with dark text on a very dark background), but that still needs some work.  Its at least usable now though...
Did the grey theme ever materialize?
Yes it did!!!
Had to install: script.image.resource.select-3.0.2.zip, but the grey theme/color is glorious!!!
Thanxeversomuch, it exceeded my expectations!!!

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