Season Fanart doesn't display on episodes submenus
This is something I find deeply frustrating. I've spent the last year organizing my library of tv shows with Ember Media Manager, and part of that process involved getting fanart for each season of a show. It always used to display that fanart over the episodes when I was in that season. However, since I stopped using Ember and switched to Tiny, for some reason, my Season Fanart now only displays on the Season selector screen and it reverts back to the main fanart in the episodes screen. I have tried everything I could find to fix this and even reinstalled Kodi 4 separate times. No luck. My file structure didn't change. I'm following exactly the structure recommended on the Kodi wiki as shown below. I cannot fathom what could have changed here. All I want is for my season fanart to be displayed when I'm in the subfolder for that season the way it has perfectly fine for the last year. I can only think that I screwed something up with some add-on or another, but multiple fresh installations of Kodi should have more than taken care of that. I also tried completely rebuilding the file structure of the tv shows several times with all new artwork and new nfo files just to make sure nothing was corrupted. Still does the same thing. 

Oh, and to make things more frustrating, I don't think it's Ember writing NFOs in a different way, because I tried going back to Ember as an experiment and making a new folder with it again, and Kodi still won't treat my season fanart the way it has for the last year and keeps reverting it back to the main fanart in the season episodes menus. 

I am absolutely at my wits end here. I have probably spent more than 20 hours on this ridiculous problem and really want a way to fix it. I'd rather not give up having season backgrounds if possible as I spent a long time curating my library the way I want it, but season backgrounds are jarring and weird if they immediately revert back as soon as you're in the episodes screen. 

Does anyone have a solution to this? At this point I'll try anything. I was using both Kodi v19.3 and v19.4 (multiple fresh installs) on an Android TV. This is a screenshot of my file structure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Helpful to understand how artwork is displayed in file mode {vers TV mode} is different. That said in file mode season fanart & posters are displayed if the images are with the sub folder as poster.jpg & fanart.jpg (slight note: once the image is displayed in file mode by entering & exiting said folder, it's cached).
(2022-03-22, 16:08)killersquirrel59 Wrote: spent the last year organizing my library of tv shows with Ember Media Manager - probably spent more than 20 hours on this ridiculous problem
I have absolutely no idea how Ember handles anything. Definitely don't spend hours on a feature that likely needs reworking, try not to mix & match programs.
(2022-03-22, 16:08)killersquirrel59 Wrote: I'd rather not give up having season backgrounds if possible
In TV mode as brought about by the library home page access, the background is set as scraper has added. Some skins allow for rotation of multiple backgrounds (Aeon Nox comes to mind) but it wouldn't be season specific. Artwork/Season (wiki) seems to need an update, Quoting from "For the most part, skins will still access images in the same Kodi standard way. Episode and season fanart may just work, depending on how your skin accesses them when listing episodes or seasons. $INFO [ListItem.Art (fanart)] pulls the episode or season backdrop if it exists, otherwise, Kodi falls back to the series backdrop."  I did have some success changing the season fanart, with the target in focus directly using the context menu/change artwork but as noted seems a hit or miss proposition.

The skin controls which image is displayed and where.
Which skin are you using? You may need to ask the skinner to change which fanart is displayed in the episode list.
FYI you can also allocate fanart per episode...
12 Monkeys 4x10 - The Beginning-fanart.jpg

Also, delete the Seasonxx-thumb.jpg image as it is not needed, and can actually cause you problems as some skins use it in different ways. (Is it landscape or portrait, is it a screenshot or artwork)
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