CU RC Lyrics
Using this on AuraMod Skin. Is there anyway of changing the lyrics to display just as a list instead of the splash type coloured lyrics?
Yes there is, I remember I found it a few months back. I noticed all the lyrics in plain text on the left side of the screen. I thought, 'cool' that's a nice clean look. Then since it was set I didn't go back and change it. I'll dig through and see if I can find it. It may have been in the skin but I'd doubt it. I have tried all of them but usually stick to Aeon and Confluence. Hope someone can post an answer incase I don't locate it .
As the song is playing, up in the OSD there's a settings button. (Some skins can be different and maybe its in the left fly-out menu bar.) If you scroll down the Audio view settings you will see the Lyrics section. it says Animated and the only options are on or off. That's why I had trouble finding it. I was expecting, for some reason, the options to be either worded differently or just more of them. 


Hope this helps. 

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