[GSoC 2022] Using fuzz testing to fuzz test Kodi
Hello everyone!
My name is Anurag Srivastava and I am an undergraduate student fluent in c++. I am willing to explore open source and hence have decided to try out GSoC.
I read the suggested list of ideas and have found fuzz testing to be interesting.
I would appreciate it if someone could guide me as to how I should further understand the topic and work on it.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, nice to have you.

As far as I understood, it only makes sense for cases where kodi parses files. For videos we handle most things via ffmpeg, that's not where we want to use it.
We would want to test everything, that's custom code on our end and consuming files. The problem is probably, that most fuzzers want an api/cli to just be able to give files to kodi. I don't think we have that, as kodi can't be run headless right now.

So working on that might be a first step, but as I'm thinking it through, that's probably a project in of itself :/

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