v19 Disabled Timers are "write protected": Could not update the timer.

I cannot change any disabled timer which was imported from the backend and disabled there. The rror message is:
Could not update the timer. Check log for more information about this error.
I activated the Kodi debug loging and the outcome is:
2022-04-10 10:43:35.685 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: CInputManager::ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
2022-04-10 10:43:35.685 T:4008    ERROR <general>: PVR::CGUIDialogPVRTimerSettings::SetTimer: Unable to map channel uid to channel entry!
2022-04-10 10:43:35.685 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogSettings.xml) ------
2022-04-10 10:43:35.685 T:4008     INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogSettings.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME
2022-04-10 10:43:35.690 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.type) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.active) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.name) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.epgsearch) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.fulltext) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.channel) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.weekdays) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.startanytime) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.startday) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.begin) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.endanytime) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.endday) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.end) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.firstday) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.newepisodes) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.startmargin) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.endmargin) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.priority) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.lifetime) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.maxrecordings) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.directory) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:35.691 T:4008    DEBUG <CSettingsManager>: requested setting (timer.recgroup) was not found.
2022-04-10 10:43:38.225 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: CInputManager::ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
2022-04-10 10:43:39.561 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
2022-04-10 10:43:39.561 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x24464c15310, multi=0x244652588b0)
2022-04-10 10:43:39.666 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: ------ Window Deinit (DialogSettings.xml) ------
2022-04-10 10:43:39.681 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
2022-04-10 10:43:39.682 T:4008     INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2022-04-10 10:43:43.305 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: CInputManager::ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
2022-04-10 10:43:43.545 T:4008    DEBUG <general>: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------

What can I do to overcome this problem? Thank you!

system: Kodi 19.4 with add-on DVBViewer 19.0.2 and DVBViewer Media Server, all running on the same PC

@manül : Es ist möglicherweiße einfacher mir hier www.dvbviewer.tv zu helfen.
Never seen. Please paste a full debug log. But I'm pretty sure I need the DMS API output as well.

Be thoughtful when posting temporary logs directly into the forum.
We prefer you use a pastebin service as mentioned below instead. Thx.
(2022-04-19, 12:28)manül Wrote: Please paste a full debug log.

Here it is. The 1st three present timers where set to
  1. deactivated
  2. activated
  3. deactivated
I tried to activate 1., no success.
I tried to deactive 2., no success.
I tried to activate 3., success.
Aftrer these tries I closed Kodi.
As you can see and in difference to the topic title the problem is (today!) not limited to disabled / deactivated timers.
Timer 1. and 2. have the same sorce data, i.e. it seems both are refering to the same "Wunderschön! ..." TV series.
(2022-04-19, 12:28)manül Wrote: I'm pretty sure I need the DMS API output as well.
I don't know what you mean but the DMS made 'svcdebug.log' has no entry at such events (at least last week), see my other thread with Griga.
Here is the 'svcdebug.log' content from today.
(2022-04-19, 20:01)_Michael_ Wrote: Aftrer these tries I closed Kodi.
Imho this deleted the log of your previous attempts. In the current log I only see one timer edit: "Hauptsache gesund - Fit in den Frühling". One second later the PVR synced the timer again.

Can you please try timers without umlauts? Currently all timers have at least one umlaut included.

Can you also please paste the *full* output of the following URL:
(2022-04-20, 12:04)manül Wrote: Imho this deleted the log of your previous attempts.
I don't think so; this is my attempt to interpret the Kodi log data:
The 1st timer error is at:
2022-04-19 19:35:56.492 T:1844
and the second at:
2022-04-19 19:36:03.366 T:1844.
The pass event ist at:
2022-04-19 19:36:11.870 T:1844.
The (main) difference between the 1st two and the last is, that this error
ERROR <general>: PVR::CGUIDialogPVRTimerSettings::SetTimer: Unable to map channel uid to channel entry!
is in front of the 1st two timer change attempts. I guees this is the problem (trigger). This (you mentioned it)
2022-04-19 19:36:16.165 T:1844 DEBUG <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.dvbviewer: UpdateTimer: channel=133, title='Hauptsache gesund - Fit in den Frühling'
is "much" later and therefore "out of focus".

Your 2 requests I will fulfill in the next hour.
(2022-04-20, 12:04)manül Wrote: Can you please try timers without umlauts? Currently all timers have at least one umlaut included.
I made a new "heute journal / ZDF HD" timer series, I tried several enable / disable timers at the DMS webinterfacae and then at Kodi (with included stop and restart of Kodi). Result: it shows no issues. However: Other (then the 1st two) "Wunderschön" timers are woorking, too. It can be therefore hardly a Umlaut problem.
(2022-04-20, 12:04)manül Wrote: Can you also please paste the *full* output of the following URL:
Here it is, inclusive the new "heute journal / ZDF HD" timer series.
(2022-04-20, 18:56)_Michael_ Wrote:
(2022-04-20, 12:04)manül Wrote: Can you please try timers without umlauts? Currently all timers have at least one umlaut included.
I made a new "heute journal / ZDF HD" timer series, I tried several enable / disable timers at the DMS webinterfacae and then at Kodi (with included stop and restart of Kodi). Result: it shows no issues. However: Other (then the 1st two) "Wunderschön" timers are woorking, too. It can be therefore hardly a Umlaut problem.
The log does not show which timers you actually tried to edit. Let me make another guess: ~deleted. does not make sense~
OK, new theory. Your channel list contains the same channels multiple times. Since you are using favourites these channels are not pushed to Kodi. However they are still being referenced in the timers. Can you check this please?
(2022-04-21, 00:42)manül Wrote: OK, new theory. Your channel list contains the same channels multiple times. Since you are using favourites these channels are not pushed to Kodi. However they are still being referenced in the timers. Can you check this please?
I don't know if this is what you have requested but it makes sense in regard of "this is a channel problem" (as I already mentioned in post #6 but had no idea about checking this suspicion):
I selected, did:
  1. TV -> Timer
  2. Now the TV / Timer display is shown, on the left is the list of all timers. 
  3. I selected one of the "heute journal" timers and pushed OK on my remote.
  4. The Timer properties windows comes up and shows beside of others the used channel = ZDF HD -> OK.
  5. Now the same with one of the not working "Wunderschön" timers. Right beside the channel is now nothing printed, it is empty.
If I understand it right, then the DMS "Wunderschön" timer setup includes / uses every available TV channel but due to my limited channel selection via "favourites" Kodi cannot handle all related timers. Well, what a "nice" problem ... I would not even call it bug.
I will update all my timers regarding channel usage and report then the outcome.

P.S. I expect this is also the reason for this random Kodi crash events.
(2022-04-21, 20:09)_Michael_ Wrote: I will update all my timers regarding channel usage and report then the outcome.
The  "Wunderschön" timer setup actually included every available TV channel. I changed it to "Nur Favoriten" in the DMS web interface and now the not changeable timers are gone -> they can no longer make any trouble. I'm very confident that this topic is now solved.  Smile
@manül Thanks a lot for your support! I'm sure w/o you I would not have found the culprit.
I'll fix the PVR later as well. It's a bug to reference a tv channel Kodi does not know about.
Should be fixed with v19.1.0. @_Michael_ can you test the build? zip files can be found on https://ci.appveyor.com/project/manuelm/...s/43312267. Select your architecture -> artifacts
(2022-04-22, 13:14)manül Wrote: Should be fixed with v19.1.0. @_Michael_ can you test the build?
Sure, I replaced all files in:
with the content of the ZIP file.
I changed the "Wunderschön" timer setup back to use "Alle Sender" and build the timers. One "invalid" was created.
I started Kodi and now I'm back at the above at post #11 mentioned Kodi crash(es) at initially showing the EPG instead of the main window. I will try Kodi in about 1 hour again, in the past this was helping.

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Disabled Timers are "write protected": Could not update the timer.0