[GSoC 2022] 4.4 Using fuzz testing to fuzz test Kodi
Hello guys, hope you are doing well Smile

I’m Ahmed ElShereef a CS student and a competitive programmer, I’d like to contribute to the project Using fuzz testing to fuzz test Kodi 

I find this project mentioned before is a little bit interesting to be contributed to! I’m working these days on the proposal, I wonder if you could share with me any helpful thoughts/references in order to start successfully studying it well.

Is there a GitHub link so I can check the codebase? and what do you mean by "Difficulty: Risky/Exploratory"?

This thread is intended to be a conversation starter to discuss with all of you the project.

 Kindly, Don't forget to give me any helpful resources/references/knowledge belong this project

Hey guys Smile

  About the OS,

 I use WSL (Window Subsystem for Linux) is a feature that enables me to run a Linux file system, Linux command-line tools, and GUI apps on Windows, Is it Ok? or Should I get an actual Linux OS? 

and if the 2nd choice ... Which Linux distribution do you prefer?  Huh
Hey there,

the OS your using shouldn't be a problem unless we need to use some specific software.
The main repo is here https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc build instructions should be pretty easy to find from that.

It is risky/exploratory in the sense, that it's unclear, how useful this will end up being. As we load videos via ffmpeg and that's hopefully doing it's own fuzzing, so we shouldn't fuzz that.

We would like to fuzz every file input that we have, but that might also be problematic. As far as I understood most fuzzing tools need some kind of commandline input, which Kodi doesn't have, as it's GUI run and we don't have a headless version.
So those could be potential roadblocks.

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