Video Cache wiki (advancedsettings.xml) information is incorrect!
Hi there, I have identified that the behaviour documented on the "Modify the video cache" wiki page is totally wrong.

The wiki article says that the value specified in <memorysize> dictates the actual size of the buffer and that 3x this amount needs to be available in system RAM.

However, what actually happens is that <memorysize> represents a total that is 2x the buffer amount. It looks like it dictates a total of which 50% is used for a rolling cache. 1GB set results in a 500MB buffer, 2GB set results in a 1GB buffer.

Further to this, the cache wiki says there must be 3x the memorysize value available in RAM for this to work without issue. This also appears to be incorrect. System memory on my Pi4 is only showing as the usual 3-400MB + the actual size of the rolling cache. So with 2GB set, this appears to result in 1GB extra utilisation.

LibreELEC (official): 10.0.2 (RPi4.arm)
LibreELEC:~ # free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            7759        1365        6087          36         306        6250
Swap:              0           0           0

Just wanted to highlight this so someone can confirm my findings and update the wiki.
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That page contains black magic that I am not familiar with. I have never had reason to use those settings.

What we need is a developer, or another knowledgeable person to pick the code apart and describe what it actually does.
Over the years I have seen a lot of comments about that page, all conflicting- its wrong, its right, it works, it doesn't work...
I do vaguely remember some comment about the page from a developer stating that users misunderstand the purpose of those settings and think it will fix streaming problems, when that is not what it is for. But I may be mis-remembering.
Maybe it was @Martijn or @afedchin that made that comment, I don't really remember.
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Can someone confirm this? I've seen kodi crash with buffer settings set too high (but low enough to fit the Ops claims), but that's been a while.
So do you really need to play with this setting? I trust you I really don’t notice a difference every time I’ve tried changing it. I just said it back to the default settings. Thank you

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Video Cache wiki (advancedsettings.xml) information is incorrect!0
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