Suddendly Kodi is not finding new episodes in two TV-Shows (Halo & The Blacklist)
Suddenly Kodi is not finding new episodes for two TV-Shows: The Blacklist (S09E20) & Halo (S01E08).
Other new TV-Show episodes are found fine.

Previous episodes of The Blacklist & Halo were found w/o any issues and the new episodes are named in the same manner as the old ones; e.g. ""
The directory structure was Halo>Season1>""
I tried to rename the directory to Halo (2022), but it made no difference.

When I look in the DEBUG log it states that it skipped the two directories for the two shows "due to no change":

I tried to reboot the PC and move out/in the new shows but it didn't help either.

I am using WIN7 (64 bit),  Kodi v18.9 & TMDB scrapper for TV shows
Can you change scraper to the python version and see if the problem persists.
Scraper no 5...
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As I wrote above, I am using Kodi v18.9, and the Python scraper was not available as an option.
I therefore added it as an Add-on. However, I am not sure if I added the correct one?
It doesn't say "Python" and the version number 1.1.34 is lower than the one in your link (v1.4.10):

In any case, I changed to the new scraper, cleaned my previous library and updated everything. After several hours, I now see the latest episodes in The Blacklist and Halo Smile .

The new scraper caused a new problem though.... In my settings I did not select "Also add IMDb ratings".
I have the Add-on "light imdb ratings update" (

However, after I updated the library all the IMDb ratings are now gone. I updated the ratings using "light imdb ratings update" but the IMDb ratings are still gone; If I try to update it for a particular show, it shows it as " Rating: N/A".
Any idea? It worked fine with the previous scraper.

Also, do you know what the difference is if I select to use the IMDb ratings from the new Scraper vs the "light imdb ratings update" add-on?
(2022-05-16, 04:13)viking2 Wrote: It doesn't say "Python" and the version number 1.1.34 is lower than the one in your link (v1.4.10):
Yep, ignore the version numbers in the screenshot. Those images are not updated.
You have the correct version installed...

(2022-05-16, 04:13)viking2 Wrote: However, after I updated the library all the IMDb ratings are now gone. I updated the ratings using "light imdb ratings update" but the IMDb ratings are still gone;
The Light IMDB Rating is only looking for the ttxxxxx number from IMDB. As long as it is available, and it is in your screenshot, then LIght IMDB can scrape the ratings.
Changing scrapers would not affect this.
To diagnose, please provide a Debug Log, and also enable the debug mode in Light IMDB settings.

(2022-05-16, 04:13)viking2 Wrote: lso, do you know what the difference is if I select to use the IMDb ratings from the new Scraper vs the "light imdb ratings update" add-on?
If you like IMDB ratings, then you should enable them in the scraper, and you will get immediate ratings. But these ratings are static, but the rating at IMDB changes with more and more people voting.
You can then use LIght IMDB to update the ratings whenever you feel like it.
But I suggest to let the scraper add the ratings, then use Light IMDB for rating maintenance and updates.
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1. I don't see a way to enable debug logging in light IMDB ?

Can I upload the "regular" Light IMDB log file?  Where is it stored in windows 7?

2. I enabled the IMDB ratings in my new scraper, but how do I update the ratings?
(2022-05-16, 05:10)viking2 Wrote: 1. I don't see a way to enable debug logging in light IMDB ?
"Enable Log File". It is already enabled in your screenshot.
The log is located in the Userdata (wiki) folder... userdata\addon_data\

(2022-05-16, 05:10)viking2 Wrote: 2. I enabled the IMDB ratings in my new scraper, but how do I update the ratings?
You have to rescrape.
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I don't have any relevant log files in the \AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\ directory:
(Logging is, and has always been, enabled..)
(2022-05-16, 06:50)viking2 Wrote: I don't have any relevant log files
Yep, you have them. Update.log and update.old.log
Run your LightIMDB addon again. Then upload update.log to Kodi Paste Site and provide the log
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This is all that I had in that log file after I had run the LightIMDB addon:
Quote:Light IMDb Ratings Update log file - 2021-05-27 21:37:23
(That is why I stated that there were no relevant log files...)
(2022-05-16, 09:31)viking2 Wrote: (That is why I stated that there were no relevant log files...)
Ok, you have the log files, its just they are empty.
And you are sure that setting is enabled?
Provide a Debug Log from Kodi, and lets see what the addon is doing. At least I can check if it is having a problem running.
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Yes, the log file is enabled (as shown in the screenshot).
Can you check the debug log that I uploaded in my original post above?
zeyujujixo.kodi (paste)
(2022-05-16, 10:36)viking2 Wrote: Can you check the debug log that I uploaded in my original post above?
zeyujujixo.kodi (paste)
No errors in that log. But that log was created before you started having problems with the addon, so it is not really relevant.

I think its best to ask in the LightIMDB thread so the developer can check out the problem...
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I got LightIMDB add-on working by updating to the latest version. However, it got stuck on a show (I posted it there).

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