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Req Kodi on LG Web OS

Did you compile yourself, with the new buildroot-nc4 toolchain and set the right options when configuring? For example:

. /configure --prefix=$HOME/Sourcecode/kodi-deps --host=arm-webos-linux-gnueabi --with-toolchain=$HOME/kodi-dev/arm-webos-linux-gnueabi_sdk- buildroot --enable-debug=no --with-target-cflags='-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon' --with-rendersystem=gles --with-platform=webos
(2023-09-29, 19:29)satdx62 Wrote: @sergio151179

Did you compile yourself, with the new buildroot-nc4 toolchain and set the right options when configuring? For example:

. /configure --prefix=$HOME/Sourcecode/kodi-deps --host=arm-webos-linux-gnueabi --with-toolchain=$HOME/kodi-dev/arm-webos-linux-gnueabi_sdk- buildroot --enable-debug=no --with-target-cflags='-march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon' --with-rendersystem=gles --with-platform=webos

Yes, I compiled everything myself from sources, the toolchain and Kodi, but I used the default configuration, I did it from my smartphone.

For the toolchain I had to modify host-lemon to add -O0, in -O2 I got segmentation fault, and also modify host-perl, to add -Dtargetarch="linux-aarch64".

use the commands:
make webos_tv_defconfig

for kodi use:
cd $HOME/kodi/tools/depends
./configure --prefix=$HOME/kodi-deps --host=arm-webos-linux-gnueabi \
--with-toolchain=$HOME/kodi-dev/arm-webos-linux-gnueabi_sdk-buildroot \
cd $HOME/kodi
make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys
build cd
make ipk

Yes, the steps are correct, which git xbmc taken? @mariotaku has changed something for webOS.
(2023-09-29, 19:53)satdx62 Wrote: @sergio151179

Yes, the steps are correct, which git xbmc taken? @mariotaku has changed something for webOS.

I want to try @mariotaku's, I also want to try @sundermann's change of going from cortex-a9 to cortex-a53, but I don't think it will be an important difference, but I'll do that from the PC when I'm at home.
(2023-09-29, 20:00)sergio151179 Wrote:
(2023-09-29, 19:53)satdx62 Wrote: @sergio151179

Yes, the steps are correct, which git xbmc taken? @mariotaku has changed something for webOS.

I want to try @mariotaku's, I also want to try @sundermann's change of going from cortex-a9 to cortex-a53, but I don't think it will be an important difference, but I'll do that from the PC when I'm at home.
Yes, `` I have also taken for webOS 3.x and has worked, but I would first take the one from @mariotaku, because with him worked for webOS 4.x. It comes out, the next one improved.
@sundermann cortex-a53 is only for 64 bits, wouldn't you have to go from cortex-a9 to cortex-a15?
@sergio151179 That's not related. Any 64 bit arm processor can run in 32 bit mode as well.
(2023-09-29, 20:31)sundermann Wrote: @sergio151179 That's not related. Any 64 bit arm processor can run in 32 bit mode as well.

Ok, i searched
Alpha 7 = realtek rtd2999 (cortex-a53)
Alpha 9 = mediatek s900 (cortex-a73)

It seems that you are right

Try with:

cd $HOME/kodi/tools/depends
./configure --prefix=$HOME/Sourcecode/kodi-deps --host=arm-webos-linux-gnueabi --with-toolchain=$HOME/kodi-dev/arm-webos-linux-gnueabi_sdk-buildroot --enable-debug=no --with-rendersystem=gles --with-platform=webos
Here is an updated build for webOS 4.x support. This one is supposed to work on also on webOS 5+

Here is another test build for those experiencing restarts due to memory exhaustion.

Feedback for these two builds is very much appreciated, either here in the forum or in their Pullrequests (here & here)

Symlinking might be required with these builds:
cp /usr/lib/ /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/lib/
thanks to @mariotaku. Compiled his webos branch feature/acb and it looks fairly good (HDR, PVR vnsi) (webOS 4.9.7, 05.30.40).

Any hint about the missing libs (libdrm, libshairplay)? When removing the lines 17/18 in tools/webOS/ (latest toolchain) as suggested in post 115 I'm running into failures.  Do I have to perform a make clean? Regenerating the project files seems not to be sufficient.

I believe you should only comment line 17. Worked for me, but I was building from the master branch though and things may have changed quite a bit since then.
@lametta it's resolved in master. Rebase the branch or use the build linked above
(2023-09-30, 00:10)sundermann Wrote: Here is an updated build for webOS 4.x support. This one is supposed to work on also on webOS 5+

Here is another test build for those experiencing restarts due to memory exhaustion.

Feedback for these two builds is very much appreciated, either here in the forum or in their Pullrequests (here & here)

Symlinking might be required with these builds:
cp /usr/lib/ /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/lib/

This commit has acbapi for webos 4.x, right?

by the way, I'm always late to download the ipk, although they don't work for me anyway, HOME in webos 4.x is always /media/developer and LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not include the path to kodi, the second can be patched with patchelf, but it first it has a difficult solution,
@sergio151179 $HOME points to the install directory and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains $HOME/lib: LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/mnt/bsppart/bsp/lib:/mnt/bsppart/bsp/usr/lib:/mnt/license/usr/lib:/usr/lib:/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/lib'

This is true for every TV we have seen so far. I don't know why you conclude that $HOME is just /media/developer. Every app runs in its own jailed environment and is setup with these env variables by the jailer
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