Bug [Question] Is Updating official add-ons from "Any Repositories" working for anyone?
Hey guys, sorry for making this thread, i have been doing a lot of research lately and i see that a lot of people don't think this option is working. There were some official addons from other repositories that are not updating such as Tmdb Helper, Skin Variables, Youtube, ect and im not sure why these addons are not updating for the developer repositories. Does anybody have any ideas on why they are not updating? I have my option set to "Any Repositories" and allowed auto update on all my addons so if anyone could tell me why this is not working that would be great to know.

Addons that are not automatically updating
Tmdb Helper - Not updating in Jurialmunkey's Repo
Skin Variables - Not updating in Jurialmunkey's Repo
Youtube - Not updating in Anxdpanac's Yotube Test Repo
Composite - Not Updating in Anxdpanac's Composite Development Repo

These are some of the addons that won't update in the other repo's and i think this could be a bug and i wanted to know what you guys think and what the kodi team members think too.

I have check the xbmc github issues and i could not find an issue relating to this except this one: 19297 (GH issue)
(2022-06-18, 01:46)Goldenfreddy0703 Wrote: There were some official addons from other repositories that are not updating such as Tmdb Helper, Skin Variables, Youtube, ect and im not sure why these addons are not updating for the developer repositories.

Technically, add-ons from outside the official Kodi repository are not 'official' add-ons. However, since you are using repositories that plenty of other people are using too, it kinda begs the question "what is wrong" with your setup? So perhaps a full debug log (wiki) where you would manually update those repositories would help. Perhaps you are using an (temporarily?) unwilling DNS server generating a 404 error?
Hey @Klojum , thank you so much for responding. I don't think there is nothing wrong with my setup cause i have been doing fresh installs experimenting why addons are not updating in development repo's. Alot of people have had problems in the past with this issue with Tmdb helper on Reddit and Github. We thought it was just the repo at first then i tested a whole bunch of addons like the ones i mentioned and found out they were not updating for some odd reason.

Here is a debug log of my test build a recently did: debug log
I did manually update those repositories and if you need a new debug log, i will provide another one if its needed.

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[Question] Is Updating official add-ons from "Any Repositories" working for anyone?0
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