Music file cache addon
when KODI plays a music file from remote like FTP or SFTP, I want to check is that url cached.

If the URL is not cached then cache the buffering to a file to a path in a configured base directory while playing.

If the URL is cached then play the cached file from local instead of remote sourcce.

Is there any add-on or configuration can do this?

If not how can I registe my custom interceptor function to buffering finished and play remote source events?
(2022-06-26, 14:23)jeffery20e2 Wrote: when KODI plays a music file from remote like FTP or SFTP, I want to check is that url cached.

For starters, URL links are not cached. They simply stay stored in Kodi's database. Caching music files would be a bit silly IMO. It would imply that in the end your entire music library, wherever you have it initially located, would also entirely be cached on your local Kodi device. That would be a bit illogical as I currently understand your reasoning.
Thanks Klojum.

I think we can excluded that configured file directory from music library.

Isn't there any extension point before play a file?

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