Unable to enable binary addons

I am running slackware linux and have just compiled kodi from source and all of the binary addons from the official instructions found here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...E.Linux.md

Kodi starts and all of the binary addons appear in the my-addons menu. However, when I attempt to enable the pvr.vdr.vnsi client addon it fails with the message 'Add-on couldn't be loaded'.

The addons all appear to be installed in /usr/local/bin/kodi/addons/addon-name/addon-lib, including the pvr.vdr.vnsi addon.

The .tgz compressed debug log can be found here: https://hastebin.com/ibetokovim (I had to compress it as it was otherwise too big with DEBUG on)

Any help to sort this would be much appreciated.

Thanks, MD.

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Unable to enable binary addons0