Solved xbmc-depends/x86_64-linux-gnu-native/bin/cmake: not found
(2023-02-03, 11:58)barronen1 Wrote: And second question, I've managed to create APK now. but I see that the Kodi version is 21 (the code is cloned from github branch master), how can I choose to make an APK of latest public release 20.0?

Depends really upon how you cloned it from git, but git checkout Nexus should do it.

We have some git documentation here.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
@Fuzzard and @black_eagle just a heads up but barronen1 already had
two thread bined for rule violations for the same thing , he's asking help with , eg trying to make a pre built kodi eg fully loaded kodi , check the bin section and u will see.
i just want to express my dissatisfaction with this sidestepping of the rules that were clearly laid out less than 12 hours ago
also my dissatisfaction with someone who clearly cant follow directions whether during technical tasks or when told what should or should not be posted here

the mods will sort this out


this must be why theres more tumbleweeds than developers in the development section, developers dont want to deal with this
(2023-02-03, 14:42)Sidewinder_2011 Wrote: @Fuzzard and @black_eagle just a heads up but barronen1 already had
two thread bined for rule violations for the same thing , he's asking help with , eg trying to make a pre built kodi eg fully loaded kodi , check the bin section and u will see.

Wrong.. was just asking about userdata files out of curiosity, what I am trying to do it to compile Kodi Nexus 20.0 version from source code with specific code fix for Hebrew subtitles fix:

I finally succeeded compiling the APK. there are two lines in the instructions that are incorrect in terms of file path in Linux. How do I send notes?
fork the xbmc repo to your own repo. If you havent done this already, just go to and click fork in the top right. It'll make a "fork" to your own repo (eg where barronen1 is whatever your github user name is.

I dont use any gui git apps, so if you do, may want to just look at the documentation of the app on how to add a git remote

1. assuming you have already cloned an xbmc repo of some sort. i'll also assume that it is the xbmc org one linked above.
   in a terminal, got to the dir (eg ~/xbmc or wherever its cloned to currently)
  do a git fetch to get the most up to date version of the xbmc repo
git fetch origin
2. type
git remote add barronen1
3. you can check the remotes you have by using  
git remote -v
You should see something like 
git remote -v
barronen (fetch)
barronen (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

4. I assume you will have some changes to the checked out repo already, and i assume this wasnt done in a branch. What i would do is to do
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master
Should show something like 
git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 44eec3c9c0 Merge pull request #22599 from fuzzard/depends_gtest

5. From here, you want to create a new branch. We'll call it fix_androiddocs. do the following command
git checkout -b fix_androiddocs

6. Now, you have a branch ready for your changes. Open your preferred editor, and update any relevant files. Presumably you'll want to look at docs/ in your ~/xbmc/ folder.

7. Now you are happy with the changes. All ready to commit them.
git add --all
git commit -m "[Docs][Android] Fix stage 6 instruction"
The message can be whatever you want. generally keep it short and to the point. That title says its a Doc update, for Android, and then a short description of the change. If you need to explain more, you can do multiple -m commands, and it will merge the message into paragraphs. The first -m is the title, so keep it short.

git commit -m "[Docs][Android] Fix stage 6 instruction" -m "Longer explanation of the commit"
[master b43ad6cb26] [Docs][Android] Fix stage 6 instruction
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

and the if you do git log, it'll show you

git log
commit b43ad6cb268d62ec326e2ad75fc7d4496342d77d (HEAD -> master)
Author: fuzzard <>
Date:   Sat Feb 4 11:17:21 2023 +1000

    [Docs][Android] Fix stage 6 instruction
    Longer explanation of the commit

8. Once thats all done, you are ready to push to your barronen repo.

git push barronen

9. From here, open up the xbmc repo in a browser ( and generally you will see a message to open a PR. For more details, refer to Githubs docs

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