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Posts: 17
Movie Serials mainly of the 1940's consist of between 12 to 36 chapters, each Chapter is a full length movie with it's own Chapter Title.
Please ask Database Owners to enter data for Movie Serials, like they do for TV serials.
It would be great if Kodi could group all Chapter Movies for each Movie Serial.
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Database Move Serial Chapter Titles and Story-line.
It Appears several Databases can't easily enter data for Movie Serials Chapter Titles, as the Movie Database is not set up for TV Series Episode Naming, which is what Movie Serials are similar to.
There are over 2,000 Movie Serial Chapters which would need to be data entered.
Movie Serial Sets in Kodi.
Select, Copy and Past or Select, Drag and Drop does not appear to work on the kodi library,
Its very tedious using the kodi Library Edit Tool to group about 2,000 Chapters into their Movie Series Sets, one chapter at a time.
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Posts: 17
Karellen, You are a Genius!
Problem Solved.
Movies Serials Consist of:
1 Complete Series as individual Chapters (Short Movies) often 12, 15, 25, 36 Chapters.
2 Complete Series as a single video all the full Chapters joined into a single Video.
3 Compact Trimed Series all Chapters trimmed (pro-log and epilogue teasers edited out) and joined into a single video.
4 Series Feature Movie (several selected Chapters edited into a Feature Length Movie).
Chapters are sometimes nominal 15mins new content plus 1 minute pro-log (recap of previous Chapter) and 1 minute epilogue (teaser for the next chapter) giving a chapter a run time of 17 mins, some serials have longer Chapters.
Directing a Serial is a Director's challenge they need a cliffhanger of excitement and suspense every 15 minutes in the serial, writers and directors always rise to this artistic challenge and provide audiences excitement and suspense so audiences return every week to their local cinema to see what happens in the next chapter.