Solved Read this if you're having trouble with libsamba when building Nexus RC2 on ndk-r25b
I came across some problems compiling Nexus RC2 for android (firetv) that I had to spend some extra time resolving so I thought I would share my resolutions.

When building Nexus (git clone -b Nexus) using android-ndk-r25b samba-gpl3 contains a patch file samba-gplv3/samba_android.patch which attempts to resolve iconv but fails.

I found this to be caused because the default api level was 21 because I had not specified --with-ndk-api during config, there's a conflict between the patch and the ndk.

So the fix in this case which worked was specifying --with-ndk-api=28 which negates the patch and compiles successfully.

Otherwise I also found an issue compiling libsamba when configuring using --enable-gplv3=no which uses a difference source path.

The issue here was a bit simpler, inside samba/Makefile there's a typo on line 2, the line should end with a \ to continue the command line DEPS = to the next line in the file.

So the fix in this case was to append \ to the end of line 2 which now also works.

Spent a few hours back a fourth trying things before I came on these solutions so I hope this helps others save their time.

There are quite a few more issues I found when configuring using --enable-gplv3=no which I won't get into here.

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Read this if you're having trouble with libsamba when building Nexus RC2 on ndk-r25b0
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