Local metadata of a movies
Hey, does anyone know if there is a way to add something to the local metadata of a movie so that you can set your own 'Similar Movies'. I'm trying to set up a library that works 100% offline, and I'd love it if I could have the Similar Movies section filled out with something instead of just blank.
@Sudley Please don't pick a random forum subthread to post your metadata problem in. "Hijacking" a forum thread for your own issue(s) is considered rude. Next time, simply create your own new forum thread in the appropriate forum subsection. Also if you are unsure about the location of what you're posting, just ask moderators to move your topic.
I wasn't posting it in a random location, but maybe I should've worded my question better. The "Similar movies" tag is something specific to the fTV skin as far as I'm aware, so I wanted to know if you could manipulate metadata to fit the skin's specific features. I could be wrong though.
Moved this thread (back) to the fTV skin section. Perhaps fellow fTV users can assist you further.

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