Autoplay video in loop (forever)
Hello, my Kodi system is running on a NUC PC with LibreELEC version 10.0.3, Kodi 19.4.

I'm trying to play a video in loop in autoplay without the user action.

From the information I could find, it seems it is supported but I'm not able to make it work.

Said that, my steps were the following ones:

1) created in /storage/.kodi/userdata/ with the following info:
    import xbmc
    xbmc.executebuiltin("PlayMedia(/storage/.kodi/userdata/playlists/video/[playlist name.m3u],playlist_type_hint=1)")

2) created the video playlist ([playlist name.m3u]) in /storage/.kodi/userdata/playlists/video/ with the following info:
    #EXTINF:138,[video info]
    /storage/videos/[video file].mp4

3) Of course, upload the [video file].mp4 in the /storage/videos/ folder

But the playlist does not even start.

From the "newer" Kodi documentation, it seems that it would be possible even play the video file without the playlist. That didn't work neither.

I would appreciate if someone could tell me if it's possible my request (Autoplay video in loop) and how or what I'm doing wrong.

your autoexec method is incorrect or outdated

Thanks for info but I don't have this option (in Chorus):

Enable your addon in kodi
Navigate to the autoexec add-on in the addonbrowser and enable it:
Settings > Add-ons > My add-ons > Services > Autoexec Service
you didnt read the link then

"(This replaces the old way of adding a file in the userdata folder, this is deprecated.[1])"
I'm sorry, but I think I've read all of it.

In fact,  In the middle says to enable this add-on (before the examples) and that is the menu/option I don't have in Chorus, if you read well.
in fact, if YOU read well, the in userdata method DOES NOT EXIST ANYMORE
the guide given is showing you how to make your own autoexec addon and when you are finished making it you can enable the addon within kodi

it is NOT a system setting you are trying to turn on, it is enabling the addon that YOU create with the guide
Maybe you are not understanding or I'm explaining wrongly....

YES, it is clear the file in the userdata folder is deprecated, not need to repeat it 100 times.... This is not the problem.

The link states:

1) Automatically execute code when Kodi starts up.
If you wish to run some code automatically when Kodi starts, you can do so by creating a service add-on.

2) Create a folder for your autoexec add-on
Navigate to the addons folder in the Kodi Data Folder
Create a 'service.autoexec' folder in the addons folder.

3) Add an file
Move your existing file to this folder, or if you don't have one yet, create it and check out the code examples below.

4) Add an addon.xml file
Create an addon.xml file in this folder and copy and paste the following code to it:

5) Enable your addon in kodi
Navigate to the autoexec add-on in the addonbrowser and enable it:
Settings > Add-ons > My add-ons > Services > Autoexec Service

I did 1, 2, 3 and 4. For #5 I don't have that option in the Add-ons menu.

So, please, if you would be rude, do not reply..... I'm looking for someone interested on helping others.

The option in Chorus is in:

Settings -> Add-ons and look for:

xbmc.service -> Autoexec Service -> Enable
too fast.
The script starts but plays the video 2 times and then stop.

I've seen that the queue is showing the playing in the Audio, not video... I think this could be the problem even if in the I've stated a video playlist.
/edit Sorry, misunderstood the goal.
None that could help?

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