v20 vfs SFTP not compatible with kodi matrix
So I updated my kodi to the latest version Nexus running on linux ubuntu 22.04.
When updated, kodi tells me that vfs sftp is not compatible anymore.
I tried to update the addon but it's not available in the stable ppa.
Do I have to have some patience for this addon to come available? Or is something wrong.
Currently I'm trying to build it from source following this link https://github.com/xbmc/vfs.sftp/blob/Nexus/README.md don't forget to change git clone --branch Matrix https://github.com/xbmc/vfs.sftp.git into git clone --branch Nexus https://github.com/xbmc/vfs.sftp.git

edit: This actually worked. Copy vfs.sftp directory from 'kodi/kodi-build/addons/ to your kodi directory (.kodi in home directory on linux) after the build process.

edit2: download the binary from here

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