Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Add content from various streaming services to kodi librarys?
Is there any easy possibility to add content from my watchlists from various streaming services (Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, AppleTV+) to my Kodia movie and tv show librarys?
It's not necessary to be able to play the content directly from Kodi, it's also fine to get only an information on which platform to watch e.g. logo is shown. I just want a single point to browse.
I know there are video plugins for many of the streaming services, but as far as I know they often have issues (especially when you want playback in 4K HDR or Dolby Vision) and if i got it right you also have to add all the content from streaming services manually to your library with the video plugins.

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