Linux Everything else except EPG working
Hello, Raspberry Pi 400 using Raspberry Pi OS here.

Stalker add-on was able to authenticate with my credentials no problem. Full groups appear. Channels all tune and look good. Spent a ton of time customizing my stuff just to end up realizing the guide is completely broken! It is 100% no information on every channel, what can the cause of this be?

I tried "Provider Only" and "Do Not Cache" options, but still nothing. Tried disabling add-on, clearing data, re enabling. Still no luck!

Always connects and pulls and plays channels no problem. But guide should be working. Works fine in all my other apps !

Thanks for any help. I am happy to share my login information if you want to connect and try to see the cause
i would hope that a member from 2009 is not asking about the Stalker addon which is listed on the banned addons list -
Newbie Curious?  Why is stalked listed as "banned" but is is also listed in the "my addons" | "PVR" area?
~Kodi-20.0 (20.0.0) Git: 20230115-389e701cb9
That's a different plugin, I just retrieved this from the official KODI repository.

You are literally posting in the Stalker sub forum, lmao. Please look up.
(2023-02-01, 22:44)markspace Wrote: Newbie Curious?  Why is stalked listed as "banned" but is is also listed in the "my addons" | "PVR" area?
~Kodi-20.0 (20.0.0) Git: 20230115-389e701cb9

It's not.  This is an official supported add-on, not the old banned version with a different name by another author.

We are literally in the Stalker forum
i would expect a member of your standing would have better manners towards new members
(2023-02-02, 04:01)jepsizofye Wrote: i would expect a member of your standing would have better manners towards new members

My friend, you are the one that literally chirped me for making the topic in the first place when there's clearly an issue, and is not a banned plugin.

I have no ill will towards you but you gotta be ready to take it back when you give it.
it was a question, every other newb specifically posting about pirate bs gets newb slapped with an affirmative "those are banned"
(2023-02-02, 06:26)jepsizofye Wrote: it was a question, every other newb specifically posting about pirate bs gets newb slapped with an affirmative "those are banned"

Perhaps things related to piracy should be left to the moderator team. You can become a bit too triggerhappy when you look too hard (talking from our own experience).

And now back on topic.
All good guys, and my apologies again if I mislead anyone for any reason.  Edited all my posts just as I think you have as well, and am happy to leave it at that.

Would love to hear from any Raspberry Pi users that are using KODI and this plugin.

I would love to get this figured out, as once this is fully working, I won't need to boot into Android and use a completely different OS just to watch TV.  But no guide data is unacceptable, as good of a player as KODI is, this is not acceptable.

Thanks again for looking
So, wheres the debug log (wiki) showing Kodi starting up and attempting to pull the channels and guide then ?
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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