v19 Where to raise an enhancement request.
I would like to raise a small enhancement request, but looking at https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues, it doesn't seem the appropriate place.

My request is simple, to modify the PVR new timer rule dialog to not check all days of the week for the timer rule automatically. With many services running all sorts of repeats and reruns, we generally need to uncheck all but the required day of week, which is somewhat tiresome. Either a box to select/unselect all or a preference for the old or the proposed new behavior would seem to do the job IMHO.

Where is the appropriate place to raise such a request.
(2023-02-04, 08:42)shartrec Wrote: Where is the appropriate place to raise such a request.

Moderators can move your thread/request to the appropriate forum section, such as the "Feature requests" thread with no problem.

The bigger problem perhaps is that you identified this as a Kodi v19 thread.
And Kodi 19 is basically EOL now that Kodi 20 Nexus has been released.
Isn't this a backend specific issue for the backend's support for scheduling rules and duplicate rules.  Only when you get into all channel or custom wild card rules with bad meta data would there be expected duplicates.

In NextPVR for scheduling a guide based recording is typically by the day of the week and channel selected within a 90 minute window.  A timeslot recording can be based on a single day or days, weekdays, weekends or daily schedule.

Duplicate protection is based on the backed keeping a history of shows that you deleted, timer based recordings that you have deleted and recording you have.  If the EPG metadata is bad this duplicate protection is not available.  There is an optional filter to only record new episodes too.  This is all based on the guide source so crappy source can be a issue.  OTA ATSC data is generally the worst source, Schedules Direct or OTA EPG with good program identifier the best.  XMLTV can be good and bad.

I'm sure this is the same in v20 "Nexus", although I have yet to upgrade. I did look at the code in github and this bit hasn't changed in 7 years.
I expect it will be the same too, but Kodi doesn't do recordings or set recording types, the addon and the backend do.  As I explained the addon can only do what the backend can do, it can't add functionality.

Also, I don’t think you have specified which PVR add-on you are using.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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