Wrong Channels after upgrade to Nexus
Had to wait a few days for the MediaPortal PVR Add-On to be available for Nexus.
Uploaded and installed.
Now, however, have noticed that TV & Radio channel numbers are just sequential - not uploaded from the server.
PVR version is v20.3.0, size 532K, install date 01/01/1601 !!
Corrected this by the following (convoluted) work-around.
Go into 'Channel Manager', on the right hand side, the channels are in sequential order.
Click on a channel that you know is the wrong number to make it 'hidden'.
Lo and behold, all channel numbers switch over to their backend (correct) numbering.
Click the 'hidden' channel to put it back into the channel list.
'OK' all the way out and it retains the numbers.

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Wrong Channels after upgrade to Nexus0