Kodi 20.0 - PVR Manager 0%
I spotted and issue with reading instance settings with the new multi instance feature so I fixed that in 20.4.2. But I don't think that is your problem.

I can see this in your log:


2023-03-10 20:32:20.913 T:7376 error <general>: IAddonInstanceHandler::CreateInstance: pvr.vbox returned bad status "Need Settings" during instance creation
2023-03-10 20:32:20.913 T:7376 error <general>: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateClients: Failed to create add-on pvr.vbox, status = 3

Can you tell me what files you see in the folder "userdata/addon_data/pvr.vbox"? For any of the settings files can you show the contents of the files?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
@phunkyfish thanks

I can't find the folder. (pvr.vbox)

Don't know how to display it either?
(2023-03-12, 18:58)phunkyfish Wrote: I spotted and issue with reading instance settings with the new multi instance feature so I fixed that in 20.4.2. But I don't think that is your problem.

I can see this in your log:


2023-03-10 20:32:20.913 T:7376 error <general>: IAddonInstanceHandler::CreateInstance: pvr.vbox returned bad status "Need Settings" during instance creation
2023-03-10 20:32:20.913 T:7376 error <general>: PVR::CPVRClients::UpdateClients: Failed to create add-on pvr.vbox, status = 3

Can you tell me what files you see in the folder "userdata/addon_data/pvr.vbox"? For any of the settings files can you show the contents of the files?
Hi @phunkyfish Big thanks!

It works now, well...

Thanks! Have a nice week!
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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Kodi 20.0 - PVR Manager 0%0