vfs.rar: files named like .fuse_hidden00002b8600000001prevent deletion of folders

Before 2 years ago or something like that I would:
- play a video archived in multi rar files using the vfs.rar extension
- delete the file from the hard drive when done
This caused no issue.

At some point, it became impossible to delete the folder the same way, I would have to do the following instead:
- play a video archived in multi rar files
- delete the file from the hard drive

I found out that this was due to files named something like .fuse_hidden00002b8600000001 being locked bi kodi.bin:

$ sudo lsof /media/MyExtDisk/Video/MyMoviesFolder/.fuse_hidden00002b8600000001

kodi.bin 1353 kodi 67r REG 8,17 33779228 206106 /media/MyExtDisk/Video/MyMoviesFolder/.fuse_hidden00002b8600000001
kodi.bin 1353 kodi 75r REG 8,17 33779228 206106 /media/MyExtDisk/Video/MyMoviesFolder/.fuse_hidden00002b8600000001

I did a lot of things to attempt fixing an issue at the OS level without any apparent luck. Then at some point this issue stopped. It seemed to have resolved at a time of an update of kodi/vfs.rar. I'm really not sure if that's really what resolved the issue or something else.
Note that at that time the files were stored on a disk that was formatted in exfat, the OS was Ubuntu 20.04, then upgraded to 22.04 (still working by then).

It was working fine until I just reinstalled it completely to Ubuntu 22.04 again (At the same time, I reformatted the hard drive from ExFat to NTFS instead). Now I have to stop kodi again if I want to be able to delete the folder of the movie I just watched.

Also, after the reinstallation I also noticed that the system hard drive was getting full after I started to run full file scans to kodi's library of the drive where the movies are stored. Space would only be freed from the cache folder after I would close kodi. Shouldn't this be done immediately after the movie has been watched?

Any idea? Any settings I may be missing?

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vfs.rar: files named like .fuse_hidden00002b8600000001prevent deletion of folders0
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