OTA EPG Integration for SlyGuy Hulu Add-On
Howdy.  I'm figuring out how to configure the Hulu add-on (thank you Matt!), and I also want to use a Hauppage OTA PCIe card for local sub-channels.  All of this is in response of Cox's decision to enable Copy-Once on all non-OTA channels, so good by Ceton InfiniTV tuner.

Is it possible to merge Hulu Live TV guide into EPG for local OTA channels?  I know that would mean using Kodi PVR back- and front-ends for the OTA channels and the Hulu Add-On for those channels.  I also know it's not possible to DVR the Hulu Live TV channels within Kodi (have to use the Hulu cloud DVR).

FWIW I know just enough about my Kodi / Win7 config to have built it years ago so apologies if I missed this answer elsewhere.

Thanks in advance!
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
im nearly certain that youre looking for the iptvmerge also from @matthuisman unless i misunderstand it's use


youll find the Live TV & EPG settings within the Hulu addon settings but i dont use any live sources to help more than this
i just went in and merged pluto tv with hulu backend is iptv simple so if iptv simple can be setup with your local tuner channels then everything will go smoothly

its a matter of going into the settings for the addons and selecting setup iptv merge, its intuitive and tells you it needs addons x+y+z and asks you to install them (regarding pluto and hulu)
Welp I followed the instructions and installed IPTV Merge and IPTV Simple, but don't see how to add the ServerWMC backend or WMC.pvr front end as input EPG streams or files.  I may have to settle for having TV on the home page for traditional cable / OTA TV and a favorite / shortcut for the Hulu add-on.

Not a full defeat but not the victory I was hoping for.  Bah.

Thanks for the replies.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
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