RAR archive support spiff - 20.1.0 didn't work
First of all, I am not very good in this area so I want to apologize for and understand my ignorance.

I have got a problem, when I got to my summer house my android tv automatically updated kodi to 20.1.0, this has made me unable to watch anything that is .rar. I've reinstalled and rebooted and more, nothing I've tried helps. I also have a MiBox here that has also been updated but it works fine there, as well as on my Windows computer. Very grateful for help with what to do to solve so this add on works again.

Philips android tv:
2020/2021 UHD Android TV,
ver 11,
Modell: 43PUS7906/12, Programvaruversion: TPM215E_R.
with Kodi:
Kodi System info,
OS: Android TV 11.0.0 API level 30 (kernel: Linux 4.19.195-ab1456) Version info: Build 20.1 (20.1.0) RAR archive support spiff - 20.1.0

Thank you for your time.

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