2008-09-23, 15:17
jeepcook Wrote:Very good thing this wifi remote control !!
I would like to use it to control xbmc. Is there a possibility to show the cover of the album playing, just show the folder.jpg in the album folder.
There is a way to do it but I don't know how to code well enough to do it. There is a command that will get the album art or DVD cover art that is currently playing and store it to a temporary directory somewhere. Then you just call another command to display what is in the folder.
read thru that and you'll find what I'm talking about.
Umcisou, so you're still controlling the xbox thru the web interface you just don't have all the feedback stuff. Looks good, I think I'll add it to my xbox. Sometimes the one I'm using gets locked up since it's so complicated. I'll let you know what I think when I get the time to install and try it out.