Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Nokia Internet Tablet (770/N800/N810) - Touchscreen remote for XBMC
I tried using this on boxee but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know what boxee has changed but is it possible to get this to work with boxee?
Re-posting my response from the Boxee forum:

Sorry to hear you're having trouble; I'm using it fine with Boxee Beta on my Nokia 770.

What device are you using? What directory do you have the skin installed in? Does it look right if you try to access it from a computer's web browser?

Note that you'll need to create a "web" directory inside your boxee directory, then put the files inside of a directory there. On Windows this would be something like: C:\Program Files\Boxee\web\n770
Oh I feel so stupid. The remote works just fine, the problem was the permissions of the files in the web directory. I extracted everything as root and the permissions were all messed up. Thanks for the help though.

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