Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
No menue entry for smart playlist when path substitution is activated
Hello frieds of KODI sinks Smile

Can anyone confirm, that it is not possible to set an menue entry for smart playlists when u have a path substitution for them?
I already asked that in AEON Forum (click me), but i tried other skins too and can not set a menue entry...
I am not sure, but i think this was working sometimes for me...

Path substitution itself works pretty well with playlist, even the wiki told not to use them for playlists...
(click me)

It is no problem, if it is not possible... i can crate the same smart playlist on every KODI instance.
But i think i got this working some times ago...

think u Smile

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No menue entry for smart playlist when path substitution is activated0
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